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"Thanks for the ride Zavon. I really enjoyed myself today." You thanked, reaching over to your friend Zavon to give him a hug.

He pulled away and smiled. "It's no problem YN. I enjoyed myself today too."

"I'll see you around." You grabbed your bag and opened the car door, getting out. You closed the door and went to your front door.

You looked back at Zavon and waved at him. He threw up the deuces and pulled out your driveway and drove off.

You unlocked the door with the house key and walked in. You set your bag on the counter and went upstairs in your room to see Odell walking away from the window blinds. He looked at you with an irritated look on his face.

"Who the fuck was that nigga?" He questioned, walking towards you.

Here we go. You thought in your head.

"A friend." You simply responded, walking away from him. You took off your earrings and placed them on the dresser.

"Don't give me no simple ass answer YN. Why the fuck were you all hugged up on him?" Odell was being so annoying right now.

"Cause I can okay?! Damn Odell you are so irritating! You always hugged up on other females and want me to be okay with it but when I hug one guy you wanna get all mad! Fucking unfair ass." You shouted at him. You went inside y'all bathroom and slammed the door, locking it behind you.

"Open up this damn door YN." Odell banged on the door like a maniac.

"No just leave me alone I'm not in the mood." You rolled your eyes and pulled your hair up in a high ponytail.

You were in a good mood until Odell came around with that bullshit. You couldn't talk to no dude without his ass getting jealous but he could talk to millions of girls and expect you to he okay with it.

"This is my last time tellin' you to open up or I'll break this shit down." He threatened. You ignored him and continued to do what you were doing.

In a matter of time you heard the door slowly being broken down. He kicked it open and looked at you with dark eyes. You didn't move though. You weren't scared of Odell.

"So you ignoring me now?" He pushed you up on the wall. You pushed him back.

"Don't touch me Odell!" He grabbed you and took you back inside the bedroom. He pushed you back on the bed forcefully.

You sat up and cut your eyes at him.

"You need a punishment. You wanna be hugging up on niggas and then ignore me and catch an attitude? Hell nah. Ima' set that ass straight." He said. He crossed his arms and took the ends of his shirt, pulling it over his head and throwing it to the side. He took off his black basketball shorts and left it on the floor.

You looked at Odell seductively, getting turned on at his dominant ways.

He large cold hands gripped both of your ankles with his hands, pulling you towards the end of the bed. He stood in between your legs and looked down at you.

"Put your hands up." He commanded. You obeyed and did what he said. He roughly pulled your shirt off and tossed it. He took off your shorts and threw them. You were only left in your bra and underwear.

He went for those next. His hands traveled behind your back, slowly unhooking your bra. He threw it on the floor, exposing your breasts. He slid off your panties and put them on the floor. You're body was fully naked now. He looked at your kitty, that was wet and throbbing.

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