Chapter 11: President YG

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"Let's go. We'll be late." -Hanbin said as he looked at his phone. He and the others got up and walked out of the building. They were soon followed by Junhoe and an upset Hanna.

Is she okay? Who hurt her? How dare they?!
-Mino thought to himself as he looked at Hanna

"Are you okay?" -Soohyun asked her

"Couldn't be better." -Hanna said as she looked at Junhoe bitterly

That idiot hurt her again...

Mino wanted to punch Junhoe, but he didn't want to cause any trouble

It's not like she'll care...

-He chuckled as he glanced at Hanna who was right beside him

She might smile for a second, but she won't give a shit about me... and I don't want to hurt a guy without him even knowing why.

Mino gave up on the idea and just tried to ignore Hanna. They entered the large building which was The President's office

Woah... this is amazing!

"You're here to meet with The President, correct?" -A secretary asked and they all nodded

"Follow me." -She said and a few entered a large elevator while the others went by stairs. The secretary waited for all of then to gather and then she knocked on a large wooden door,

"Come in!" - They heard a voice from inside the office. The secretary oppened the door and the students entered. They were surprised to see GD and CL sitting behind a large table.

"Good morning to you all. Please, sit." -The President said and the students all sat down. At first, there was an odd silence, but then The President chuckled

"Ah, Ms. Soohyun. Pleasure to see you again." -He suddenly said and surprised both Soohyun and the others

"I must say, your idea was a bit crazy for me at first, but then I thought about it and I think it will be a great oppritunity for others." -He said and Soohyun shyly smiled while the others were confused

What the hell is he talking about?

The President took a good look of all the confused students and chuckled again

"For those wondering why I invited you here this morning, is because I, along with you professors, will seperate you into two groups so it would be easier to see your progress. And, afterall, you were chosen as the top 15 just because you are all fitting to be in a group." -The President said and the others were still confused

"As for the ladies, they will be solo artists for now. There is a slight chance that some, if not all three of you get chosen to be a part of YG's new girl group. But, as of now, you will train as solo artists." -He said and the three girls nodded

"As for the boys..." -He said as he turned around and looked at all of them

"I'd like to ask the two highest ranked students to stand up." -He said. Taehyun and Hanbin exchanged looks and stood up.

"Mr. Kim and Mr. Nam will be the leaders of the two groups. Mr. Kim will lead Team A and Mr. Nam will lead Team B." -The President said

"I don't want to be Team A." -Hanbin said

"I don't want to be a leader." -Taehyun said and The President stared at the two

"I once thought I was the boss here, but whatever... Mr. Kim, why don't you want to be Team A?" -He asked

"Because my name is B.I. It's more fitting that I lead Team B." -He said and The President raised his eyebrow

"That makes zero sence, but I'll allow it. Mr. Nam... why don't you want to be a leader?" -He asked

"I'm just not interested." -He said

"Well, for now you will be a leader. Your teammates will decide the new leader once you all start practicing together." -YG said

"But who will be my teammates?" -Taehyun asked

"Good question. Well, your professors and I have discussed this and re-watched all of your submission videos and have deicded the following." -YG said with an evil smirk

"Kim Jinwoo, Kang Seungyoon, Lee Seunghoon and Song Mino please stand up." -GD read their names from a piece of paper

What the fuck is going on?!

"The four of you will join Mr. Nam and you will be Team A." -CL said and the four of them exchanged looks

Woah... I didn't really think this will be decided so soon. But I'm glad I'm with Jinnie.

-Mino thought to himself as he glanced at Jinwoo

"As for the others, you--"

"We're Team B?" -Bobby interrupted The President who sighed

"No." -The President said and they all exchanged confused looks

"After my conversation with Ms. Soohyun yesterday, I thought: 'Why not give a chance to some other students to debut soon?' so I will be giving a chance to 2 more students to be a part of Team B." -He said and everyone looked at Soohyun

"Does that mean Chanhyuk will get a chance to be in the top 15?" -She asked and the President chuckled

Who's Chanhyuk?

"I rewatched his submission tape and that boy can't dance nor does he have the stage presence of a boyband member." -He said

"B-But.." -Soohyun wanted to say something, but she was still in shock.

"To see how you work as a team, I will seperate the 7 of you in three groups, though you will be joined by the new students and even the ladies." -The President said as he smiled at Lee Hi, Hanna and Soohyun.

"Ms. Lee, will you please tell us the teams?" -The President said to CL who nodded and then cheked a piece of paper

"The first team will consist of: Kim Hanbin, Doghyuk, Lee Hi and and a new student, Yang Hongseok." -CL announced the names and the three students all exchanged looks. Hanbin seemed nervous.

"The second team will include: Kim Jiwan, Koo Junhoe, Jung Chanwoo and Jang Hanna." -CL said as Junhoe and Mino stared at her in disbelief

No! No! No!

"The final team will include: Kim Jinhwan, Song Yunhyeong, Jung Jinhyeong and Lee Soohyun." -CL announced as Soohyun and Jinhwan looked at each other and smiled

"Can we switch teams?" -Hanna suddenly asked as she stood up. Junhoe rolled his eyes

"Yeah. Can... they switch teams?" -Mino asked and the other stared at him

"You're not even a part of this." -Junhoe said and Hanna rolled her eyes

"I-I... I'm just asking..." -Mino said

"No. There is no switching teams. This is how your professors and I have decided. You will have one month to prepare and you will meet the two new students at dance class with Ms. Gong and Mr. Dong. Have a good day, now."

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