Chapter 30: Once Brothers

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Taeyang woke up as he heard a loud noise. He got up and looked around the room only to realize that the phones of all 5 members were ringing. Soon, the others got up and they exchanged looks. Taeyang oppened the message on his phone

"Meet me in old garden house in 20 minutes." -He read the message out loud without even realizing it. He noticed that the others were looking at him

"I got the same message." -GD said

"Same here." -Seungri said

"I did too." -Daesung said and then they all glanced at Top who was still laying in his bed while his phone was vibrating

"YO!" -GD yelled at him and he jumped out of his bed.

"What is it?!" -Top asked angirly

"We have to meet with YG in 20 minutes." -GD said to him

"So we can finally disband and I don't have to listen to you anymore?" -Top asked and GD didn't know how to respond. Top chuckled

Woah... he went a bit too far. Though this is not new. Things between us have been really intense, but Top and GD esspecially. Ever since GD broke up with CL, Top has been so bitter towards him even though he and CL aren't close anymore.

-Taeyang thought to himself and sighed as he realized that he and his bandmates were falling apart

They all got ready and drove to the location in seperate cars

I wonder why YG wanted to meet us here out of all the offices and restoraunts... It is a really special place to us, but still... it makes no sence.

Taeyang parked his car in front of the garden house and the others soon joined. He looked at Top who arrived in a sophisticated and luxorious car as his driver oppened the door for him

The last time we were at this place, he arrived in his motorcycle. Then he used to wear a black leather jacket, jeans and he even had mint hair. Now, he mostly wears suits and he has silver-ish hair. Out of all of us, I think he changed the most.

Top and Taeyang looked at eachother coldly as they both approached the garden house. When they entered, they saw The President walking around it and looking at the portraits of Gummy and Se7en.

He didn't even realize that we arrived...

Taeyang knocked on the wooden wall and The President seemed surprised to see them

"Ah... you finally arrived. Welcome back... it's been awhile." -YG said to them, but they were all too angry or irritated to respond

"Like I said the first day you came here, there's a surprise for you here. Follow me." -He said and the guys rolled their eyes or sighed as they followed him. He lead them to a room on the far end of the house. He carefully oppened the door and the guys entered it

Woah... I can't believe it.

-Taeyang thought to himself as he looked at a large portrait of him and his bandmates. He then looked on the other side and it had 2NE1's portrait, as well.

"Too bad you're gonna have to take it off soon." -Seungri said coldly and YG stopped sniling as he sighed

"That's what I wanted to discuss with you. Your contract is ending soon. I know you all have your issues, but I am willing to renew it." -YG said

"I'm not." -GD said

"For the first time in a while, I agree with him." -Top said and the President seemed angry

"I lost my two major artists already. I'm not going to give up on the 5 of you that easy." -YG said

"I think it's too late for that, boss." -Daesung said

"I wanted us to disband years ago." -Seungri said and then YG turned sround towards Taeyang

"What about you?" -He asked

I really don't know anymore. If things weren't so messed up, I'd like us to stick together for a few more years.

"I-I don't know." -Taeyang said and Top chuckled

"Stop bullshiting. You want out just as much as I do. You're just trying to play the nice guy." -Top said and Taeyang sighed angirly

I'm really beginning to hate him...

"At least I'm not a wannabe like you." -Taeyang said coldly. Top, the other members and YG stared at him in disbelief

"The hell did you just call me?" -Top asked, but he didn't look like he wanted to hear the anwser

Shit. I shouldn't have said that. But... it's too late to back away now

"You heard me." -Taeyang said as he took a step towards Top.

"You pathetic little asshole." -Top said and stepped closer. The two of them stared at each other intensly

"YAH!" -The President said as he seperated them

"You should both be ashamed of yourselves! Look at you! Grown men acting like children (lol). You were more mature when you were students..." -YG said. Top, Taeyang and the others looked away as they felt bad

"I believed in you all. I believed in BigBang. When I saw the 5 pf you on stage for the first time, I thought: Wow! These boys will change the entire industry! They'll be around for awhile and every time they come back, they'll do something revolutionary. And now... I've never felt so dissapointed in my life." -YG said and his words really hit Taeyang

He's right. We used to be like brothers. The four of them were the only family I had...

"I'm sorry, boss. But this is how things are now. If we push this any longer, I'm afraid that bad things will happen. What just happened now was nothing compared to what I think might happen to us in the future." -GD said

"So... you really want to disband." -YG said and the guys nodded. YG chuckled

"I had hope in you... I really did. But you still have one year on your contract. You will complete your mentoring here and then you will go seperate ways. This will mean that you will complitely be crossed out of YG Entertainment. As a group, but as solo artists." -YG said bitterly and the guys stared at him in disbelief

"Wait. You can't do that!" -GD protested

"Oh yes I can. I don't know if you remember, but I am the CEO of YG Entertainment. I say what comes and goes around here."

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