Chapter 102: Act Like Nothing's Wrong

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Once the final concert was over, the members of YG all returned to their hotel

We have 3 days just for ourselves! It was The President's gift for the label's anniversary.

-Seungyoon thought to himself as he approached the bus for all the students.

"Great work, everyone! Enjoy your break!" -Taeyang said as he walked next to the students. They all bowed and thanked him

This is still like a dream for me. Singing in arenas all over the continent, along with my heroes and best friends. Nothing could ruin this.

-He smiled proudly and suddenly felt 2 thin hands grabbing his arm

What the—?

He turned around and saw Lisa smiling at him, while still holding his arm and following him

"Uhm...?" -He simply let a confused sound out as he raised his eyebrow at her

"You ready for tomorrow?" -She asked


"Uhh, remind me again?" -He said and her smile disappeared as she sighed

"I knew you weren't paying attention. Tomorrow, 9am in the hotel lobby. Dress nicely." -She said and smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek and walking away. He stopped walking for a moment and pressed his hands on his cheek

What the hell is going on?

The students sat in the bus and most fell asleep instantly. All except Seungyoon who was still confused about his earlier interaction with Lisa

What on Earth did I agree to? AND WHY?!

He sighed and tried to remember who was sitting near him when Lisa approached him on the bus and told him about "the deal" that he wasn't paying attention to.

JUNHOE! That's it! He was right behind me when we were driving to the airport. Maybe he remembers something.

Seungyoon scanned the bus trying to find Junhoe, but since it was late and the lights were off, he could barely identify anyone until he heard a loud and deep snore.


He followed the snore and eventually found Junhoe. He poked to wake him up, but the driver noticed Seungyoon

"Hey! No walking in the bus!" -He scolded him and Seungyoon jumped in Junhoe's lap, waking him up and startling him

"Dude! What—" -Seungyoon put his hand on Junhoe's mouth and gestured him to quiet down

"What are you doing?!" -Junhoe whispered

"Long story. But just tell me this. When we were driving towards the airport, what was Lisa telling me when she sat next to me?" -Seungyoon asked and Junhoe stared at him

"You seriously don't know what she said but you agreed regardless? Wow, man. I didn't know you were that desperate." -Junhoe said and started laughing, but Seungyoon hit him on his chest

"Just tell me!" -Seungyoon said and Junhoe sighed

"I don't remember exactly, but it had something to do with her parents and you meeting them." -Junhoe said while yawning. Seungyoon raised his eyebrow

"Oh, and you pretending to be her boyfriend." -Junhoe said and Seungyoon's eyes widened

"WHAT?!" -He yelled and woke some of the students up

"BOWL CUT KID, GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT!" -The driver scolded him again and Seungyoon quickly returned to his seat

Why on Earth would she ask me to do such a thing?


The professors and staff all returned to their hotel, which was a few miles away from the one in which the students were staying.

Minzy was the only one that was awake during the drive so she was the first one that got off the bus.

Ever since I told Dae about my decision to leave the company, I've just been seeing the sadness in his eyes pop up in my memory. If he felt so sad and disappointed, I can't imagine how the girls would feel...

-She thought to herself and let out a sigh as she stood outside the bus and waited for the others to get off. Top was the second one to leave the bus and he walked past Minzy without even glancing at her

That's weird. He'd usually high-five me or tease me. Maybe he's just tired.

-She thought to herself and then saw something fall out of the pocket of his jacket that he was carrying

"Top, you dropped—" -She tried to say but he was too far away. She ran towards the object that fell and was shocked when she picked it up and realized it was a pack of pills

What? I don't think he's sick? Why does he carry around something so strong?

-She thought to herself as she examined the writings on the box

She followed Top and then knocked on the door of his room. Once he opened, she could sense that something was wrong as he stared at her half-heartedly

"You... dropped this." -She said and handed the pills to him. He looked at the box and then back at her, but his expression didn't change. He took the box and just said "Thanks" and tried to close the door but Minzy stopped him

"Top, are you... alright?" -She asked and he chuckled bitterly

"I'm wonderful." -He said sarcastically

"What's going on?" -She asked in concern

"Nothing that you should worry about. Have a good night." -He said and walked away and sighed once he heard the door close, thinking that Minzy left.

"I won't go until you tell me." -He was surprised that she was still inside

"Minzy. Please. Just let me get some sleep." -He said but she still felt like there was more to it than just him being tired

"I'm leaving the company." -She suddenly said

"What?" -He asked in shock and he finally turned around to face her

"Only you, my parents and Dae know. That's how much I trust you. So now it's your turn to trust me and tell me why you need such... heavy pills?" -She asked and he looked away from her, almost as if he was ashamed

"Minzy... things have been wrong in my life for a very long time. None of this is new. So there is not need for you to worry yourself." -He said

"That's not a choice, you know. I just... it's scary seeing you act this way."

"Yeah. I'm having a hard time faking it lately." -He said and chuckled bitterly again


"Minz. I've been this way before I even joined YG. I just kept my pain and pills away from people."

"I can't just ignore this, Top." -She said and he smiled sweetly at her

"I'm asking you to. Please don't this any harder on me than it already is." -He said and she sighed. He noticed a tear streaming down her cheek. He approached her and gave her a hug

"Minz... I'll be okay. I promise."

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