Chapter 104: Change

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Change. It is something so scary yet so necessary in all walks of life.

- a familiar voice echoed around the classroom filled with students who are in awe of his presence.

Change brings us good times and bad. Bring us immense joy and incredible pain.

The professor said as he continued walking around the classroom.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is because we, as artists, give out a big part of ourselves to the world. We tell the world about our lives, our struggles, our happiness. If we're lucky, they connect to it and cherish it, because it's very special when someone sings out exactly what you're feeling. You don't feel alone as much.

The professor sat down behind his table, looking through the classroom

Music is a universal language. Even if you don't understand the words, you understand the emotion. I had the pleasure of reaching the entire world with my songs, as a solo artist and with my group and I believe it's because I was always honest in my words.

When I was going through heartbreaks, when I was falling in love, when I felt the world turn on me.. Hell, even when I had a cocky phase.

The professor said and the students laughed lightly

That's change. When I told you today that this is what we're discussing, I bet you all thought I wanted to talk about trends and music styles. But no. Emotion and storytelling is key. Scream out someone else's pain or joy through your own. And most importantly..

The professor got up and started writing "Embrace change" on the chalkboard.

Like I said, it's necessary. Staying the same brings you nothing of value. You may lose people around you, your group, your creativity for a while or even life as you know it. And even though in the moment it feels horrible, just know that it's all building up to something. Something that is meant to happen.

-The professor spoke and the students could tell that he was getting slightly emotional. He finished the lesson and told them they were free to leave. As the students were approaching the door, they all bowed to him in respect and said

"Thank you, professor Kwon."

-GD smiled politely until they all left and fell into his chair. He had a mix of emotions and didn't know what to feel

Maybe I should't have mentioned the group thing.. Top doesn't want to mentioned and someone else.. doesn't deserve to be mentioned anymore.

-he sighed loudly and grabbed a pen on his table and started playing with it anxiously

A lot of years have passed and so many things have happened. Certain relationships that I thought were forever, ended so abruptly.

- he thought to himself as he remembered Top and Bom, even Dara and Taeyang

Top and Bom had a good couple of years but it was clear that they both needed time to focus on themselves and their well-being. It was strange for me to understand it then, but it ended up being the best decision for them both.

As for Tae and Dara, It's almost crazy to even think about it now that Tae's been married to Hyorin and has a kid. Looking back at it now, I'm pretty sure his wedding was the last time most of us were together and things felt like they did before. It was a calm before the storm.

But I guess I shouldn't only look at the negative side of it. So many of our students went on to do incredible things, become bigger than anyone could even imagine.

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