Chapter 18: Empty

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Mino sat on his bed as he was writing a song.

Hmmm... Empty. That's how I feel now.

-He thought to himself and wrote that as the title of the song

Our professors didn't really explain much to us regarding our current situation and why we have to write songs and come up with new choreos. All that Prof. Dong said was that we will have to work extra hard in these next couple of months and that it's really inportant. I think it all has something to do with us debuting.

I heard him and Prof. Gong talking about some kind of competition. Maybe that's why The President seperate us into 2 groups, though we will soon discover who will be in Team B.

Me and the 4 others in Team A have hit it off well. I think we have a really good bond together. Even the weird grumpy Taehyun guy turned out to be really cool once he got comfortable around us. Jinnie seems a lot more happier now then he did the first week. I guess it's because of our team, but also because he and Minzy started talking to each other again after 4 years.

He's still very much in love with her and it hurts me to see that. Every time the two of them are together, they seem so happy, but only he seems in love. She just likes him as a friend...

I keep telling him to move on, but he won't listen. He never takes me serious. Neither does anyone else, but I don't blame them. I like making people around me laugh which is why I act crazy. But after awhile, it get annoying.

I want to be able to talk to someone normally. I want that person to uderstand me, even though I can't understand myself. That's why I think I'm really falling for Hanna...

She just seems like someone who's also misunderstood, but she at least has Hayi and Soohyun. I have Jinnie who won't take me seriously. I remember when I tried talking to him about some of my issues, he just laughed thinking I was messing with him, so I just faked a smile an went along with it...

I had girlfriends. A lot of them, actually. But it was never real. It was just something that would last for a week tops. But that's because all of those girls were the same. Hanna is complitely different from any of them, but she... she likes June. A guy who hates her. I barely had a chance to talk to her, but Seungyoon told me that Daesung mentioned a trip for all 15 students once Team B is formed. Maybe I will finally get a chance to talk to Hanna. Maybe...


Top dragged himself to the Chaos Building

Ugh... I hate this job. It's so tiering. I could have been on a vacation by myself, but instead I have to be in this stupid building with those 4 idiots. Luckily, everyone is in their classes now and I dismissed my class an hour earlier so I'd get some alone time.

Top oppened the door and started climbing the stairs, but suddenly stopped when he heard someone else walking


He looked up


He sighed and the two of then looked at each other.

It's been years since we even greeted each other. I'd be lying if I said that I don't miss her. I wish things weren't so complicated. I wish I could talk to her, hug her... but I can't

She pouted her lips as she looked at him. He chuckled

She hasn't done that in a while. It's strange how I miss something that once annoyed me.

The two of them were still motionless. There was a sence of sadness, anger, but also a little happiness in her eyes

"I missed you." -He couldn't stop the words coming out of his mouth. She seemed just as surprised as he was when he said that out loud

You idiot! As if this whole thing wasn't awkward enough!

-He scolded himself as Bom looked at her feet

"I-I missed you, too." -She quietly said and those words brought a smile on Top's face. She looked up and smiled aswell

"I'm sorry." -He said and she raised her eyebrow

"For what?" -She asked

"For not being there for you. I know you have been going through a hard time... I'm just sorry I'm not there for you." -He said

"I can say the same thing to you." -She said

"What are you talking about?! I'm doing fine." -He said and she chuckled

"You keep telling yourself that." -She said and his heartbeart quickened. He sighed angirly

"You're lonely just as much as I am. Maybe even more, since I don't tell people I'm okay" -She said and he looked away from her

"Admit it. You're lonely." -She said and he looked at her bitterly

Why do you do this to me....

"I am! There! Does that make you feel any better?! Huh?! I have no one! I have a huge empty house to which I return to andI step on a stage in front of thousands of people, yet I feel like I'm alone. The 4 guys that I considered my brothers are now just strangers to me." -Top said in a upset tone

"My dad got back into buisness, so I lost him again. I lost Yubin. I lost Chaerin. I lost you..." -He said and looked at her with tears in his eyes. She quickly ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He didn't fight it.

"You never lost me." -She said as her voice shook

A/N: Yet another mess of chapter xD Sorry about that. Also, sorry for not updating yesterday. 2NE1's comeback was just too much for me.

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