Chapter 97: Ride Or Die

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The guests applauded The girls and CL, who was still holding GD tightly. She then let go and walked towards the front of the stage as she took a deep breath. The guests quieted down and waited for her to say something

"First of all, I'd like to thank you all for being here with us tonight, on such a special occassion. Even though this is not exactly your typical wedding..." -She said and the guests laughed

"As you know, we won't actually get married and by that, I mean that we won't sign any documents since that would be dangerous, as many of you could guess." -CL said, referring to the media finding out, and the guests nodded

"However, tonight Jiyong and I will promise to love each other until our very last breath and have you all, our closes friends, as our witnesses." -She said and then turned around and looked at GD who had a big smile on his face. She faced the guests again

"There were countless times when I thought he and I weren't meant to be... Times when I thought he chose someone else... but I always knew he loved me, just as much as I loved him. There were... *chuckle*...still are, many people who doubt our relationship. But to those people I just have one question: 'If it wasn't real, then would we really bother chasing after each other all these years or would we have moved on by now?" -CL asked and looked directly at GD's father who was standing at the back with Top. It was the first time CL saw Mr. Park with a somewhat ashamed expression on his face

"All the words that were in that song we just performed were for Jiyong. No matter what he says or does... If he pisses me off..." -She joked and the guests as well as GD laughed

"...It's gotta be him." -She said and smiled at him. He approached her and hugged her tightly as the audience cheered for then. Suddenly, they saw someone climbing up the stage. CL gasped when she realized it was Seungri. He stood behind the microphone and cleared his throat. CL noticed Top running towards the stage in worry, but Seungri signaled him that it was okay

Oh no... He's going to say something stupid...

-CL thought to herself

"Good evening, everyone. I know I'm the last person you want to hear from this night, but... I just needed to get this off my chest." -He said and CL's heartbeat quickened

"When my best friend Jiyong told me he was getting married, I was too shocked to react. I didn't want to... lose him, I guess." -Seungri said, even though he was looking at CL

"But one thing that I was sure of, was that it was real. It wasn't just something he said when he told me he loved Chaerin the first time. He really meant it." -Seungri said and a smile appeared on CL's lips

"He told me that 4 years ago and even to this day, I still see the same spark in his eyes when he looks at her or just mentions her. Here's to Jiyong and Chaerin." -Seungri said as he raised his wine glass

"We wish you two all the best in life. That's what you deserve." -Seungri said and smiled at both GD and CL. The guests applauded him and then they started playing the music again and everyone started dancing. Seungri felt proud of himself for finally facing the truth as he climbed down the stairs. Suddenly, CL stopped him

"Thank you." -She said truthfully and hugged him which made Seungri smile

"You don't have to worry about anything anymore. Just be happy." -He said and she nodded with a smile as they broke away from the hug. Top approached CL and asked her for a dance, since Bom and GD were dancing also. As they danced, Top couldn't hide his proud smile as he looked at CL

"I can't tell you how happy I am for you two. You deserve this." -He said and CL kept in her tears of joy

"It was everything I ever wanted. Jiyong as my husband and my big brother as our best man." -She said and hugged Top. They broke away and continued dancing. Top did his crazy dance which made CL and the people around them laugh. Suddenly someone ran up to Top and whispered something. His face turned pale and his smile disappeared.

Oh no...

"What happened?" -CL asked

"Someone published a photo of you two kissing tonight." -He said and CL gasped

"B-But... there is no way." -CL said

"It must be one of those psycho sasaeng fans. One of them probably sneaked inside." -Top said and CL started to worry

"It's still not out on the news sites. Yet..." -Bobby said as he and Hayi ran towards them

"Junhoe found the sasaeng fan. He kicked her out and she said she didn't write that it was a wedding, but still... This could be dangerous." -Hayi said and Top sighed nervously

"I contacted all the media outlets and told them not to report on the story." -They heard a deep voice say. They were all surprised to see that it was Mr. Park saying this

"There is no need for you to--"

"I don't want my son and daughter-in-law to get in any kind of trouble." -He said and smiled at CL

Am I... Am I dreaming?

"What are we gonna do?!" -GD asked nervously as he ran towards CL and the others

"But no media outlets will report on the story." -Dara said

"Yeah, but the photo will be all over social media." -GD said

"Wow, you really can't do anything without me." -They heard a familiar voice that brought chills down their spines. They turned around and saw YG

Could this night get any worse?!

"Great job on keeping the event as private as possible, but you should have hired security, you know..." -YG said and they weren't sure if he was being serious or not 

"As for the photo, it's very simple." -He said and everyone looked at him, waiting for an answer

"We'll say that it happened at a 2NE1 after party and that Jiyong was just congratulating Chaerin on a successful tour." -He said and they were all surprised at how quickly he came up with the story

"Someone take another photo of everyone partying and post it from some random profile and just say that it's from a 2NE1 after party. Then, everyone will believe it." -YG said and Hanbin nodded as he did exactly that

"Sir, I-I can't thank you enough. You--" -GD wanted to say, but YG put his finger in front of him

"I don't want to hear it. Congratulations to you two, but we will discuss about this tomorrow at my office. All of you." -He said and pointed at all the students and their teachers as they all swallowed hard. He then just casually left the venue and everyone was confused wheter or not he was being angry or just himself. CL sighed in relief and GD approached her

"There's nothing to worry about anymore. Let's just enjoy the rest of our night." -He said and offered his hand to her as they went and danced together

A/N: Shitty update, but the "good stuff" is just about to come. I just needed to get this chapter out of the way which is why I didn't update so long. 

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