Colum McLoughlin - Son of Zeus

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Braden McLoughlin was an oddly outgoing son of Hades. His mother always raised him to follow his heart and his dreams, and to never apologise for feeling things. Around the same time his demigod powers were coming in, he also started realising he had feelings for men, much more than he felt anything for girls. He struggled with this for years while he attended summers at camp half blood. Despite his struggles, his mother remained supportive and between her and his training at camp he grew into a mostly well-adjusted man.

There was always something different about Braden, even down to his interests, for a child of Hades, he loved the sky, he loved sky diving and flying and anything that brought him closer to the clouds. This bothered Hades, but as his hands were tied with the direct interference laws, there was little he could do. Of course, it didn't take long for the very pan-sexual Zeus to notice Braden. Braden's love for the sky was intoxicating, and as Zeus was god of the sky it was almost as if Braden was in love with Zeus, or at least that's how Zeus came to feel.

Before long Zeus finally appeared to Braden, as Braden was a demigod, Zeus so not reason lying to him about who he was, figuring the truth would make it easier to explain his absences. After months of carrying on, the two were very much in love, Braden knew it couldn't continue forever, and it killed him knowing that soon Zeus would be gone and he wouldn't even have a child to raise. Zeus, knowing he couldn't conceive a child with Braden, also felt bad he couldn't give him a son, and that's when the idea struck him. He found a lonely mortal woman, Erin MacKenna, down on her luck, and seduced her, figuring she didn't have the means to care for a child, he was sure she'd be willing to give up the baby once born, but there was something about being pregnant that changed her, and she worked hard to straighten her life around.

Realising she wasn't going to give up the baby, but still desperately wanting to give Braden a child, he sent some of his servants to steal the baby from the hospital, and convinced Braden that the mother didn't want the child. So Colum grew, believing his mother had died giving birth and that Braden had opted to take him in and raise him as his own, eventually even telling Colum the truth about Braden and Zeus being lovers.

Erin had been devastated losing her child, and went into a fit of severe depression for months after, taking to walking around at night, without any concern towards her wellbeing. As Braden was a child of Hades, Hades had always kept an eye on the affair between his son and Zeus, stewing over it, hating it, without anything he could do to stop it. So when Zeus went so far as to have the child with another woman and have his servants steal the baby, he was furious, that Zeus could treat such a beautiful woman so harshly. Soon Hades took to hanging around the places Erin frequented, and after some time, they begin to see each other romantically. When Erin discovered she was pregnant again, she was both ecstatic and scared; she was determined to never let this child out of her sight.

Once Oswin was born, Hades revealed the truth to Erin about being a god and having to leave, she was heartbroken, but she still had her daughter, and that made her very happy. For years, Oswin and Colum grew miles apart from each other, never knowing the other, both leading normal childhoods. Oswin's mother was very over protective of her and rarely let her out of her sight, even taking up teaching positions at Oswin's school to be close to her. Whereas Colum's father, raised him knowing he was a demigod, that they both were, training him, but also always letting him be himself and learning to see everyone with equality.

When Colum was 11, and the monster attacks became more frequent, Braden moved them to Dublin, to a less than stellar neighbourhood, where he was hoping the crime would mask their scent somewhat, or at the very least make killing monsters easier to hide in the mist. It just so happened, that Oswin and Erin lived on the same block. At first Colum and Oswin paid little attention to each other, as Oswin was almost a full 2 years younger, and starting a year later, at the age of 12, Braden started sending Oswin to camp for summer holidays. What surprised Braden was, even after sending Colum to camp, the monster attacks didn't diminish, and to his shock, he soon found the cause (aside from himself of course) and that was little Oswin, who lived a few buildings down and was just turning 10.

For a couple of years, not wanting to intrude, having no idea if Erin even knew her child was a demigod, he protected Oswin as best he could from afar, but at 12, he finally introduced himself to Erin, and came to find out that Erin knew all about Oswin being a demigod but couldn't see through the mist herself so had no idea monsters had already been coming around. However, the idea of letting Oswin out of her sight terrified her, so instead, seeing her anxiety he agreed to do the best he could, for as long as he could, to protect Oswin himself, with his son's help when he was home from camp.

This arrangement went on well for a number of years, until the last two years, Braden fell ill with Leukaemia, and was forced into chemotherapy. Colum refused to go to camp while his father was so ill, and even quit school to get a part-time job to care for them. For the last two years Colum has struggled to work, care for his father and protect himself, his father and Oswin from monsters. A few weeks ago Braden succumbed to the cancer, and passed away. Now that Oswin was 16, she finally convinced her mother to let her go to camp, so now here they both are.


Colum does not yet know that Zeus stole him away from his birth mother nor that the birth mother is Oswin's mother, making her his half-sister, and Oswin has no idea that her mother even had a child with another man, and definitely not that the child was Colum.


This character was written for a wiki that takes place 15 to 20 years after the books, so his story does not overlap with Zeus not having other kids before the rule was lifted.

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