Charlton Evanston - Son of Athena

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Pre 11 History

Charlton's father worked for NASA, he had a brilliant mind, but dreamed of going into outer space, though his parents were very religious and would have preferred he remained at home in Texas. While in Florida, he met a beautiful intelligent woman who took an interest in him, after a few months, she presented him with a son, and explained she was really the Greek goddess Athena. Gregory was in awe, not only did it change his entire perception of life and how it began, but as he knew he'd never slept with her, he couldn't conceive of how they could have had a child together. Athena spent a few hours explaining things, and then explained she'd have to go.

Afterwards, wanting to continue his career as a scientist for NASA, but knowing he couldn't raise Charlton on his own, he shipped Charlton off to live with his grandparents. As Charlton grew, it was clear he had an extremely intelligent mind, overcoming his ADHD and his Dyslexia all on his own, and always surpassing the other children in his classes; to the point he was often teased and bullied by the older kids.

He grew to call his grandparents meemaw and pawpaw, and love his meemaw quite a bit despite the fact he never believed in her religion, thing seemed to be going well until at the age of 11 he was attacked by the sphinx, refusing to answer its riddle, believing it to be some type of hallucination on his part, that it couldn't possibly be real, he probably would have died if it hadn't been for a group of huntresses nearby tracking the monster. A Satyress turned huntress was with them, and sensed that he was a demigod, and went with him to explain to his parents what had happened. Charlton was still in denial, until his father arrived and explained that it was the truth, and that he knew all along, as Athena had told him.

Group History

Charlton met (Leonard) in 2004 at his first summer at camp at the age of 12, (Leonard) was only 11, neither parents were thrilled with them going, but as they were insistent on their children getting an education, they wanted them to be as prepared as possible to fend for themselves. Charlton was extremely gifted despite dealing with dyslexia, Leonard struggled but as his father was a rich scientist, he spared no expense on private tutors for (Leonard). The next school year Charlton and (Leonard) were shipped off by their parents to the same private school in Pasadena California. During their first year there, they encountered a hellhound attack, which is when they discovered (Howard) was also a demigod, or they assumed he was as the hellhound was already attacking him when they got there. (Howard) had yet to go to camp and had no idea he was a demigod, but a few weeks later a satyr sent to the area to keep an eye on them confirmed that (Howard) was indeed a demigod.

For the summer of 2005, (Howard), (Leonard) and Charlton all went to camp together for a month, there they met up with (Raj & Prya), a set of twins whose mother is Themis and are from India. At the end of the month, wanting to stay in America, Raj and Prya convince their father to let them attend the same school as the others in California. During the next school year, during a particularly nasty Stymphalian bird attack, which they were lucky to survive, they ran across a down on her luck love nymph (Penny), she had followed the demigod couple whose love made her to San Francisco, but got tired of being a third wheel and decided to try and go out on her own, desiring to be an actress but without any mortal ID she was finding it hard to get employment. Of course it didn't help that the couple she was originally created from, Tim and Jeremiah, before falling in love Tim had spurned the advances of Circe, upon witnessing Tim fall in love with another man, and seeing a beautiful love nymph created from that love, confirming it was indeed true love, Circe in a fit of rage and jealousy cursed the love nymph to be unlucky in love. The group feeling bad for her, offered to let her hang out with them.

For the summer of 2006 they convinced their families to let them skip camp and travel to Europe for the summer, feeling they had safety in numbers. While there, they met (Bernadette) who was cornered in an alleyway by a harpy, upon saving her, they introduced themselves and she got permission from her family to travel with them and even let her transfer to their boarding school. The next school year was fairly uneventful, aside from Charlton graduating 2 years earlier than he should have, as was the following summer of 2007. Charlton chose to go to a university nearby so that he could still see the others when he wanted, as he didn't make friends that easily. In the 2007/2008 school year the group met a down on his luck comic book nerd (Stuart) who was trying to fend off the Minotaur, upon saving him they befriended him, though his parents weren't well off enough to send him to the same boarding school as the others, they did let him go to camp with them during the summer of 2008. During the 2009/2010 school year Charlton met (Amy) who had also graduated high school early and was attending the same college as him, upon helping her with a particularly nasty hellhound attack, he was amazed she had survived that long on her own, but he learned that her mortal parent was actually a demigod and that up until her attending college had always been nearby to help with attacks.

The group has had their ups and downs, and distances at times, between spring of 2011 and fall of 2012 most were too busy to attend camp, but now that they are all out of school and 18 or older, they've decided to spend the winter at camp.


He was created in a group of characters, loosely based on the characters from The Big Bang Theory....

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