Serenity Bloum - Peace Nymph (Formerly a child of Harmonia)

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In 1953 Harmonia courted a young man by the name of Frederick Bloum, no one is really sure what attracted her to him, he didn’t have much, but after a short love affair she gave him me, with instructions about camp and all the usual demigod stuff. Frederick was in awe, but did his best to raise Serenity, and married a respectable woman when Serenity was 3 to help him raise her. Most of her childhood was the typical demigod tale, at 12 she was attacked by a harpy, and saved by a satyr and a group of demigods that had been questing nearby. Afterwards, her father allowed her to attend Camp part time when she was not in school.

Things seemed good for a while, but at 15, she realised that she really did not have any interest in boys, but instead had feelings for girls. During her sophomore year, her parents caught her in bed with one of her female classmates. Upon finding out their daughter was a lesbian, they wanted nothing to do with her and kicked her out of the house. After stopping off at camp for a few weeks, she headed to Woodstock, things went well at first, and she had a lot of fun, but she fell into a group of guys who got her quite doped up on god knows what, and took turns with her. They decided they wanted her for a play thing, so kept her travelling around with them in their van, and kept her doped up as much of the time as they could.

After a few months, they discovered that she was pregnant and as they did not want the responsibility of dealing with it, they left her behind at a bus stop. She made her way back home, but her parents refused to take her in, and she ended up on the streets. She managed to survive for a few months, only just barely, between lack of food and fending off monsters. By the time Artemis came across her, she had miscarried in an alleyway and was near death herself, Artemis offered to save her life, in exchange for joining the hunt. With no other options, Serenity weakly agreed.

Things carried on fine for quite a while, Artemis knew that Serenity was gay, but as long as she did not fall in love and stayed true to her vows, Artemis was willing to ignore some of the things Serenity did on the side. Then, while stationed at camp in 2012, Serenity met Mercedes, a child of Hephaestus, and fell head over heels in love. Hebe had always felt bad for Serenity’s hardships in life, but could never do anything directly to help, so when she saw that her daughter was in love and truly happy for the first time in her whole life, Hebe begged Artemis to allow her to leave the hunt and become a peace nymph. Artemis agreed, so Serenity became a peace nymph, and was free to be with Mercedes.


for the full bio see

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