Brock Garreth - Son of Nyx

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Randy Garreth was a troubled young man, who was raised in a strict Christian home, and who suffered from insomnia, while he was in college earning his Master's in psychology he often found himself walking around at night, enjoying the feel of the darkness around him. Of course, no one who enjoyed darkness this much would go unnoticed by Nyx. After a brief, but passionate love affair, Nyx bore Randy a son, Brock.

For the first few years, raising Brock on his own, despite his parents objections, seemed ok, but one night while Randy was wandering around in the dark, a mugger randomly attacked him, and as he tried to fight back, the mugger's gun went off, killing Randy.

Brock was sent to live with his uber religious grandparents, and years of repression and abuse ensued. As Brock grew, and reached puberty, he started having feelings for boys, in a much more than just friend way. However, being raised by almost fanatical religious grandparents, made this especially hard for him to deal with. When he turned 13, he started noticing odd monsters following him around.

He had two close friends at that point, Anthony and Colin Moss. One night when they were hanging out together in the park, a hellhound attacked them, and Colin helped them defend themselves and told them the truth, that they were both demigods. Neither Anthony nor Brock wanted to go to camp at the time, so they stuck together, and did the best they could to keep monsters at bay. By 15, they were head over heels in love. Unfortunately, their love was kept secret, because Brock did not have the courage to come out to his grandparents, and being raised in a very southern, very religious community, they would have been severely flamed for it.

Shortly after Brock's 15th birthday, Brock and Anthony had the house to themselves; they raided his grandparent’s liqueur cabinet. Unfortunately, for them, Brock's grandparents came home earlier than expected, and caught Brock and Anthony making love on the living room couch. His grandfather irate with what he walked in on, grabbed a shotgun in a nearby cabinet and threatened to shoot both Anthony and Brock, and demanded they leave the house. Still intoxicated and now upset from being caught and kicked out, Brock jumped in the driver's seat of his beaten up old car. Anthony tried to talk Brock out of driving, that they should walk instead, but Brock was determined. About a mile later, between the rain, the dark and the intoxication, Brock lost control of the car and drove head first into a utility pole.

Anthony was killed instantly; Brock was alive, but barely. He was in a coma for 2 years. He came out of the coma and after six months of rigorous rehabilitation, Brock was found by another satyr, and brought to live at camp year round.


For the full bio see

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