Cameron Trubey - Son of Koios

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Cameron was born in California to Lily Trubey a mad scientist who was so absorbed in her work, she always forgot about him. He lead an abnormal life because his mother could see through the mist. When Cameron was 12 a horde of monsters attacked there house. They escaped but she had seen so much it drove her crazy and she was always doing strange things like throwing coffee on the TV, talking to plants, going into crazy rants, and worst of all feeding Cameron boots for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Cameron learned to take care of himself, but he couldn't bear to leave her. They began to travel for no apparent reason. One day, when Cameron was 15 they were visited by Koios. He told Lily that she had to send Cameron to camp Half-Blood. Lily said she would, but not 'till the summer. They kept roaming and eventually ran into another roaming family, the Perditas. Lily, Cameron's mom, fell in love with Rick, Tacey's dad for he was the first one who she could talk to. She began to become a little more focused. Rick fell in love with Lily's ability to see through the mist. But Cameron and Tacey fell for each other enormously. A day wouldn't pass when Cameron didn't give Tacey at least 3 presents. The family's began to travel together. Eventually Tacey's dad said that the four of them should head into the Sea of Monsters for he wanted proof that the gods existed. (SeeTacey Perdita) They went into the Sea of Monsters and a lot of things happened.

At first, everything went fine, but then they boated by the Island of the Sirens. Cameron had earplugs in his ears to try to ignore one of his mom's crazy rants. That, was what saved Tacey and him. He grabbed Tacey before she could jump overboard and tied her to the mast. He ran to try to save his mom and Tacey's dad when monsters attacked. Karkinos. Hundreds of them. Cameron and Tacey could have defeated them but he would have to untie Tacey which would mean the sirens would get her. Cameron decided a prayer would be best. He asked that the gods send help. Poseidon did in the form of a storm. He made everyone except Tacey and Cameron fall overboard for Tacey was tied to the mast and Cameron knew it was coming. They sailed to the around the Sea of Monsters trying to find their parents. Eventually they beached on an island where they thought their parents had washed up on. However, the Sirens had set a trap for Cameron and Tacey. A Cyclops came and captured them. They were taken to the Island of the Sirens where the Sirens stole Tacey's voice. Eventually, they got away because one of the people who swam to the island was carrying a dirk. Cameron used it to free himself and Tacey. They ran to the Cyclops' boat but the Cyclops was right on their heels. Cameron turned and faced the monster. He told Tacey to leave but she wouldn't. That was when Mnemosyne intervened. She took Tacey's memories. Cameron knocked her out, put her on the ship, and pushed the ship out into the sea. He faced the Cyclops but was swiftly defeated. The Sirens were very angry with him. They put a curse on him so he couldn't use his powers. He has been enslaved there ever since. 

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