Cassiopeia Black - Child of Athena, Huntress of Artemis

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My father, Nikola Black, is from Russia, originally my father's last name was Cassadine, but when he left Russia after I was born and moved to England he changed his last name to Black. I lived near the Aenar's growing up and went to school with Elysine Aenar, although this was before either one of us knew we were demigods. Our father's worked together, so we saw a lot of each other. Elys is 7 months older than me, so she turned 12 first. Soon after her 12th birthday I woke up one night to a strange voice downstairs, I listened at the door and overheard a conversation with my father and a woman's whose voice I did not recognise. They were talking about Samuel Aenar. I didn't understand most of what they were talking about, it sounded preposterous, but I did understand that this woman was threatening my father that he should have nothing more to do with them, that "Nyx" (although I had no idea at the time who that was) had betrayed her by taking Samuel as a consort, and although she wouldn't lower herself to killing a child, Samuel would have to take the punishment instead.

The next day I told Elys the "silly" story I had heard, although at the time I wasn't sure I believed it, but there was just something about the tone in my father's voice that night, something that told me I had to warn Elys at all costs, she was my only friend, and I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Well she thought it sounded as preposterous as I did, but went home and told her father nonetheless. Well, he went straight into panic mode. He packed up there things and they were headed to America, although he said it was for a "business" trip, there was something about his tone that I just didn't believe it.

I heard a day later about the plane crash, I cried for weeks, they said no survivors so I assumed, my best friend, to be dead with everyone else. After I turned 12, my father told me what sounded to be a preposterous story, but when Athena herself turned up to "claim" me as her daughter, I was awed, although in the back of my mind I couldn't help but wonder what really happened to the plane that crashed with my friend on it. Athena tried to explain to me why she did what she did, and that if Nyx hadn't stepped in the plane wouldn't have crashed, that she never had any intention of killing Elys. This was all too much for me to take in.

My friend was dead, my mother (who was a God I had always believed to be myth) killed them, and I now had to move to America to live in some "camp". My mother gave me a pet owl, a sword and a ring, although part of me felt she was only giving me such cool gifts because she was trying to make up for accidentally killing my best friend.

When I got to Camp-Half Blood, I soon found out that my friend hadn't died, but that her mother had saved her but kept Athena from knowing. I soon worked my way up in the ranks in my cabin and am now Head counsellor.


Days after the dance I started coming to my senses, Anamika was being less careful to control me, once I was within their walls with little chance to escape. I followed a long for a few weeks, until I saw Lilith there, on some sort of under cover mission for the SotF. I got her alone and showed her the paper I found in Anamika's study proving I had been controlled the day of the dance, that my actions were not my own. I begged her to get word to Elys, my best friend, I told her I would try and escape the first chance I got. Before leaving I found the ingredients for Rowan's cure, and hid them in my pack, a few days later I tried to sneak away under the cover of darkness, but Anamika and Alcaeus cornered me just outside the sanctuary, Anamika took my memories, they knocked me out and left me alone to fend for myself. Thanks to Elena, I made it safely back to camp.


Before leaving under Anamika's control, for weeks I had a thing for Rowan, but in the end he chose Elena, I was upset about this, I think that is why Anamika was able to control me, she used my anger against me. I will not make the same mistake twice, I will never again be weak to my emotions. Since being back I've left Elena and Rowan alone. I've started spending time with Robert Fergus, he's really nice, nothing like most guys, sweet, kind, quiet. He's in Scotland right now, but I hope to go out with him to town when he gets back.

I have decided to join the Hunters, I feel I can better serve the cause against the Broken Covenant as a hunter.

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