Topenga Bertinelli - Daughter of Notus

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Notus first met Marcella at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Spain. Notus had been nearby and loved watching the events, and Marcella was a gymnast specialising in the pole vault and uneven bars. She loved flying through the air and had always been comfortable with high places. For the next 3 years or so, Notus would check in on Marcella from time to time, quite enamoured with her. Finally on her 18th birthday, while on holiday for the summer, he met her officially. After a brief summer romance, he left, and she soon found out she was pregnant, eventually giving birth to a baby girl on 17 January 1996.

For years Topenga grew up quite happy in Italy with her mother, who had taken a job as a coach for gymnasts, which with her having competed in the Olympics brought in a decent number of clientele, at least enough to be able to pay the bills and live comfortably. Topenga was pushed into gymnastics by her mother, but her true passion was always singing and playing the guitar, which she did as much as possible when her mother wasn't pushing gymnastics on her. Unfortunately she also developed an eating disorder, as her mother was always pushing her to be skinny for gymnastics.

When the first monster attack happened, a harpy, at the age of 10, she was so underweight she nearly didn't survive, if it hadn't been for a group of Huntresses nearby. Upon learning the truth, her mother reluctantly agreed to let her daughter spend summers in America to learn to fight. Here Topenga met Adolf, they became good friends, even going on a quest together. For the next three years or so they always spent as much time together as they could while at camp, that all ended when Adolf's father managed to have her tracked down at home, where her mother was murdered trying to save her, and she was knocked out and drugged.

For years Adolf's father, a rich businessman, has been heavily involved in modern slavery, specifically human trafficking. He employs people to search around the world for children, teens and young adults, both guys and girls that are easy targets for being taken. Sometimes the men pose as people trying to help the victims, sometimes they try and bribe them, but usually they, at the very least, have their victims marked out hours to a couple of days in advance, to monitor them and make sure they are vulnerable and alone/susceptible.

Adolf's father always knew the truth about who he had slept with, that she was a goddess, and he was always bitter that not only did she leave him, but that she left him with a child to care for. He never directly physically abused his son, but mentally and emotionally Adolf never had what some would consider a normal healthy childhood. When Adolf turned 12 and his powers started to present, Adolf had years already under his belt in trafficking, but the thought he'd be able to have a direct line to demigods, by sending Adolf to camp, the thought of getting back at the gods was over powering. For the next few years he let spend any holidays he wanted to at Camp in America, even started acting interested in his son's social life, but deep down it was only to get information about any friend's Adolf was making.

It was because of this that Topenga, a close friend of Adolf's was taken while she was back at home in Italy with her mother. When Adolf found out his friend had been taken, he was furious with his father, but he knew there was little he could do, his father paid powerful people to protect him, some Adolf suspected were even rogue adult demigods. After that he refused to go to camp, but instead found out where Topenga was being kept and went to her in secret as often as he could, eventually falling in love with each other. Once she was sold, he found out where and managed to get her rescued without anyone knowing it was him. He had some money stashed and put her up nearby in a hotel, when he had enough money saved up the plan was to flee, but Topenga knew of other demigods being held captive, and told Adolf she wouldn't leave without trying to save as many as they could.

Working out a plan, along with the help of a satyr and some nearby nature spirits, they managed to get out 8 others, from there Adolf used his money to get them smuggled onto a ship and left for America, where they now have arrived safely at Camp.

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