Micah Bachelder - Son of Aeolus

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Micah was born to Jan Lucinda Bachelder and Aeolus on 28 February 1968. Jan had been an abused child growing up and when Aeolus met her during a spring wind storm she was a struggling college student. He literally swept Jan off her feat one early morning, when he caught her to keep her from falling down a flight of stairs. Jan was young and impressionable, and she fell in love with him quickly. She was scared to tell him when she found out she was pregnant, scared he would leave her, so she kept it secret for as long as she could. She could only hide it for so long, and at first Aeolus seemed to take it well, but weeks after Micah was born, Aeolus broke the news to Jan that he had to leave, explaining that he was a Greek god, and that he couldn't be around to help raise their son.

Jan tried her hardest to raise Micah and complete college, but the stress got to her. She started drowning her problems in alcohol, and cutting when no one was looking. When Micah was seven, his grandparents, Linwood & Elizabeth Bachelder, realised that they had to step in and do something, and they got a court order to blue paper Jan into an institution and took custody of Micah.

Micah hated living with his grandparents, his grandmother was horrible to him, and quite emotionally unstable herself. When his grandfather died, he couldn't take it any more and ran away from home. At the time they were living in Gorham, Maine and Micah was 13. He had a friend who went to school in Biddeford, he managed to get there, but just as he got to his friend's house, a hellhound attacked him. He had no idea what to do, and before the hellhound could get at Micah, his friend came running out with a sword, and tossed the sword to Micah. After quite a struggle he was able to kill hellhound. He was horrified at what had happened, his friend identified himself as a satyr, and explained to him all about Greek gods, and that he needed to go to this camp in New York.

At that point, as crazy as the idea of being a demigod sounded, the idea of having some place to go away from his crazy family was so appealing he didn't care. So he went with the satyr, and they took a bus to New York.

After getting to camp, he spent the first year, training and getting to know everyone, over time he started dating Clarice Lefevre. By the time Clarice was going on her first quest in March 1986, they were madly in love with each other. The quest would take them, and 3 others, to Ukraine. One of the other questers, a daughter of Aphrodite, was insanely jealous of Clarice, and wanted Micah for herself. While they started out on the quest, Jezabel, the daughter of Aphrodite, looked for any opportunity she could find to slip a love potion in Micah's drink. Shortly before they reached Pripyet, Jezabel slipped the potion in Micah's soda. All she had to do was wait for an opportunity to get him alone and kiss him before Clarice.

As they neared Chernobyl, Jezabel managed to convince everyone to split up. She went with Micah, and Clarice went with the other two. As they started looking around for signs of monsters that the prophecy suggested, suddenly Jezabel was coming on to him. She faked a fall so that he would reach his arms around her to help her up. She took this opportunity to kiss him. The potion kicked in almost immediately and before Micah realised what he was doing he had completely forgotten about the quest. He was over come with the need to be with Jezabel, and they found a secluded alley to make out. Micah never even noticed that Clarice had double backed and saw him and Jezabel together. Clarice was irate, but before she could confront the two, they are attacked by a hydra, chimera, and a fire breathing drakon. In the chaos, the questers were separated. The hydra went after Jezabel and Micah, and the chimera and drakon went after the other three, who had run off and were right near Chernobyl's reactors. In the chaos of fighting there was an explosion, incidentally this incident became known to the mortals as the Chernobyl disaster and all they saw in the mist was an explosion in one of the reactors. Micah was able to use his wind powers, to blow the radiation and explosive concussion away from him and Jezabel, but Clarice and the other two were too close.

Micah went insane with anger, and wanted to go back into look for Clarice, but Jezabel convinced him there was no hope, and they fled making their way back to camp. Micah had no idea that Artemis saved Clarice but Hebe was irate with Micah, for betraying her daughter and leaving her to die. Before Jezabel and Micah could make it back to camp, Hebe tracked them down, and she cursed Micah to never age, so that no matter who he falls in love with, he will have to watch them die of old age.

Devastated over the death of Clarice, he decided not to go back to camp, and wandered the world. He has recently decided to come back to camp, and has no idea that Clarice has also decided to come back to camp and stay at Artemis' cabin for awhile.

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