Lynn Marie Bennett - Daughter of Morpheus

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This history goes back a few generations, so I won't bore you with all the tedious details, but sufficed to say back in 1978 Eros was having a fling with a mortal woman who wrote greeting cards for a living. She was young, fresh out of college, and she didn't have a lot of money. Upon becoming pregnant, Eros left her and she fell into a serious depression, in the end opting to give up her baby girl for adoption.

A seemingly nice family, whom couldn't have kids of their own, adopted the girl naming her Lucinda, they had already adopted a son 6 years earlier by the name of Charles Bennett, so they now had what they felt was the perfect family, one boy, one girl. About the same time, the parents started sending Charles to summer camp, where he ended up on the receiving end of some sexual abuse by some of the male counsellors. When he told his adoptive parents what was going on, they merely punished him for "lying" and kept sending him back.

By the time Lucinda was 9, her powers were starting to come in, though very mildly at first, unfortunately between the abuse Charles suffered at camp that his parents allowed to continue, and the unintentional pheromones that Lucinda was giving off, he soon started to abuse her sexually. This went on for a few years, Lucinda too scared to say anything, too scared to ask Charles to stop, she sunk further and further into severe depression, self-harm, as well as alcohol abuse. At the age of 13, she was exceptionally beautiful for her age, easily passing for an 18 year old instead of the 13 year old she really was. By this time Charles was 19 and he decided to move away to attend college, so the abuse from him ceased, but the emotional trauma was irreparable. Lucinda soon fell into the "wrong" crowd, which ultimately was both a blessing and a curse. A large family that lived nearby, full of all sorts of not so nice people, met Lucinda and had her come over often. It was here she experienced her first hellhound attack, and found out her neighbours were actually demigods. They explained that she must be one as well, considering the hellhound was going after her, and they only attack demigods.

The family, specifically two of the older males (by older, I mean much older, in their mid to late 30s), agreed to help protect her, as her parents were strict Christian and would think she was crazy if she tried to tell them Greek gods existed and that she was half god. However, in exchange for their protection, as well as an unlimited supply of alcohol and drugs, she agreed to have sex with them whenever they wanted. At first she hesitated to agree, the rewards she thought were in her favour, but she also witnessed another horror, when the older men weren't having sex with her, they were molesting their own much younger children. Feeling it was her job to protect them, she agreed to the terms.

This went on for a year and a half, you may ask how it went from her being abused by these demigods, to having an affair with Morpheus, and well you see one of the Men happened to be a child of Morpheus. Eros, though he couldn't interfere directly to stop the abuse on his daughter, was angry at Morpheus, angry that he had such despicable sons, he decided Morpheus should pay for his son's sins, and put a potion on Morpheus, forcing him to temporarily fall in love with Lucinda.

Long story short, at 15 she realised she was pregnant, unfortunately there was no way to know for sure who the father was, considering how many guys she had been sleeping with. Determined to keep the baby and raise it for herself, she worked hard to train, her parents finally forced her to move away from the family, but did allow her to go to summer camp, or what they thought was just a normal summer camp. Lucinda worked hard, year round, between finishing high school, going to camp to train, and having a child whom she named Lynn Marie.

Lucinda tried too hard to keep it together for her child, but when Lynn was only 8, all of the years of emotional, physical, sexual and verbal abuse had taken its toll, and she was institionalised, leaving Lynn in the care of her brother and mother. Lynn always preferred to be quiet and alone, though she seemed to show early signs of dyslexia and ADHD, she loved to read, and write and dream. Her first 8 years were mostly uneventful, a bout of chicken pox, some bullies at school, but through it all she was insanely close to her mother, and when she was taken away Lynn decided she had to be strong for her mother, and be brave to help her mother get better.

Lynn struggled through school, usually barely passing, but she was always teacher's pet, everyone commented how polite Lynn was, though always very withdrawn from the other kids. She was like the girl no one hated, but yet had no real friends either. Lynn was musically inclined and loved to play the piano, but deep down, all her talents and dreams, were really just a mask for what went on at home, where she had a suicidal/bipolar uncle and a paranoid schizophrenic grandmother, and her mother in the psych ward. She bore her burdens well, but started developing signs of her own mental conditions, often in and out of therapists and counsellors; early on she was tested for things like Multiple Personality Disorder and even Asperger’s. In the end, at 13 she was diagnosed with manic depression or bipolar as they call it now. By that time she begged to get out of the house, away from an abusive life, a cousin that raped/molested her, an uncle that yelled and hit her, and a grandmother that would often try and kill them both. With some convincing she managed to get sent to a boarding school, though it didn't come free, she was forced into student labour for the school in order to pay for her tuition, but it was worth getting away from her family.

It was here she suffered her first monster attack, a harpy posing as a substitute teacher. Fortunately, Morpheus was furious of the abuse his daughter was forced to be put through, and because he blamed Eros for part of it, he convinced Eros to send one of his own demigod sons, to pose as a teacher in her school and look out for her. Jeff Currie soon became like an older brother, like a real family member who truly looked out for her well-being. When the idea of camp came up, she refused to go away from Jeff, so in the end, she spent the summers working for the school, under Jeff's supervision. When he wasn't her boss, he was training her to fight monsters, and at 16 he even started training her to be a mortal fire fighter.

Lynn was fortunate enough to gain some quality time with her mother, as at 14 her mother was finally released to live on her own, as a mostly mentally healthy individual, though most of the time Lynn was too busy with school, or work, or training to spend much time with her mother, but despite that, they had a very close bond.

During Lynn's senior year, her mother became severely ill and was diagnosed with leukaemia, after a yearlong battle, she succumbed to the disease in the spring of 2012, not even getting to see her daughter graduate from high school. Jeff urged Lynn to move to Massachusetts with him and his family and attend a college there, but Lynn wasn't sure what to do, and Jeff finally convinced her to spend some time at Camp before making any decisions. So she's now at camp.

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