Jorah Tennant - Son of Apollo

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Margaret Tennant was a beautiful pianist from Bristol, with a loss of inspiration. Her lack of inspiration and beautiful appearance caught the eyes of Apollo, who came down to help her with her struggle. As Apollo continued to assist Margaret, their bond grew stronger, and they began to fall for each other. After a few months, Apollo and Margaret finally made love, and she became pregnant. She named her son, Jorah.

After Jorah was born, Apollo came one last time and told Margaret the truth of Greek mythology and the hazards of being a demigod. Margaret was awestruck, but understood why he had to leave and that Jorah must be kept safe.

Over a span of three years, Margaret began to play her piano in various places around Britain, while she was playing at a bar, her appearance, music, and surroundings caught the attention of Dionysus, who she dated for a while, until she was impregnated, and Dionysus left. She named her daughter, Gabrielle.

Jorah, at twelve, and attending school, was attacked by a hellhound. He was assisted by a nearby satyr, who then explained to him of his parentage and Greek mythology. Before the satyr began leading him away from the school, he informed the satyr of his sister, but the satyr assured him of she would be fine for a few more years. The satyr led Jorah to camp, and he began training during the summers.

When Jorah was 16 and Gabrielle was 13, they were struck with the devastating news of their mother's death. With the help of others, Jorah managed to get emancipated, so that he can have custody of Gabrielle.

To cope with her mother's death, Gabrielle began to pour her emotions into contemporary dance, and excelled in her hobby. While Gabrielle was dancing, Jorah fell to alcohol, and began pushing away those who loved him and what he needed to accomplish. When Gabrielle needed Jorah to attend school meeting and such, she would use her powers to make him sober enough for him to speak with others. When Jorah wasn't as drunk, he would help Gabrielle train, though the sessions would often end in arguments.

For three and a half years, Jorah and Gabrielle survived minor attacks by Harpies and Hellhounds, but their last encounter with a monster was too much for them. The siblings were attacked by a Hydra, Jorah, drunk out of his skull, was unable to fight to his full potential. In the process of the fight, Gabrielle was injured, and if it wasn't for nearby huntresses who escorted them to camp, they probably wouldn't have survived.

 New Info

When Jorah was born, he was actually the first born of twins, but his younger twin sister, [[Kitty Tennant]], was frail and weak when she was born and the doctors told Margaret that she died soon after being born. The truth was, a child of Hecate worked in the hospital posing as a nurse, and stole the baby because she couldn't have kids of her own.

He has even more recently found out he has a younger brother Griffin Tennant, but his mother sent him to be raised by her brother.

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