Anabel Turner - Child of Pandia, Huntress of Artemis

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Gerard Montero was a demigod child of Aristaeus, he had the typical early demigod years that all demigods go through, along with training at camp. He was perfectly ready to help fight in the war in Europe. Being from Portugal, he knew if Hitler wasn't stopped it would only be a matter of time before the Nazi's made there way past France, through Spain and on to his home country. As many of the gods and goddesses were taking sides during the war, Pandia was disguised and trying to help as a nurse for wounded Allies. It was here she met Gerard, and while nursing him back to health, she felt a certain affinity towards him. After a brief affair, an a few months apart, she gave birth to a baby girl. She found where Gerard was stationed and told him the news, as well as revealing the truth of her identity as being Pandia. Being a demigod himself, he had always assumed he'd just know, so he was surprised she managed to trick him, but understood what it would mean for his daughter to grow up as a demigod. Pandia implored him to get out of Europe so that he could raise their daughter in safety. Though it pained him to leave Europe and not be able to help his fellow countrymen, he put the needs of his newborn daughter first, and escaped to America getting him and his daughter citizenship, though he chose to change his last name to Turner.

Anabel grew up in a small quiet town in northern New Hampshire, North Conway. Her childhood was quiet and uneventful, she was shy, kept to herself, didn't make a lot of friends in school. Her father chose to wait until she was 8 before telling her the truth, about them both being demigods. At first she believed it was a joke, but he showed her what he could do with his own powers, and she began to understand. He started training her himself from that point, so when she was 12 and experienced her first hellhound attack, she was somewhat prepared. She didn't get through it unscathed, but at least she was alive. Her father treated her injuries, but because he couldn't explain them, the school started to suspect physical abuse on his part. Though because abuse laws were so lax at the time, no one reported it, but they did start to see the family as 'odd'.

Her training became more rigid, and after a couple of more attacks (while her father was present), and some bumps and bruises she received during the small community they lived in began to be less tolerable of their odd behaviour. When she was 14, her father decided to move them to Long Island, he'd let her stay at camp when school was out, and during the school year she stayed with him in their apartment where he could make sure that she got her homework done. This was where she met [[Stephen Miller]], a slightly older and attractive child of [[Poseidon]]. At first she was her normal shy self, but as they quickly became friends, he was able to bring her out of her shell. It wasn't long before she was quite enamoured with him, and though he thought she was attractive and sweet, to say he completely returned her feelings would be a bit of an overstatement. After a little over a year after they first met, they consummated their relationship, she believed this met he was in love with her, though his feelings were far from anything that deep.

However, before much could come of it, Stephen went off on a quest that did not end well by any means (OOC: See his history for full explanation.) Despite Stephen's curse of never spending a night on land, at first Anabel was determined to stay by his side and make it work. Though her father was insistent she finish high school, she'd spend as much time with him as possible, both on and off the boat. Though after awhile, their time together became less and less frequent, as he'd spend more and more time far out to sea away from everyone. At 19 she finally gave up hope that he would ever truly love her the way that she loved him, and convinced she could never possibly love anyone else, she chose to dedicate her life to Lady Artemis and the Hunt.

For the last 51 years she has spent with Lady Artemis, coming and going, he father recently passed away at the ripe old age of 90. After attending his funeral, she decided to hang around camp for a bit, taking a break from the constant travelling with the Huntresses...


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