Jayson Steele - Son of Mnemosyne

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Technically “Jayson” only just came into existence in May of 2011, he once led a very different life, over 2,000 years ago, but back then, he was known as Pedaeus of Troy. In 1200 BC, Anthenor, a son of the Dardanian noble Aesyetes by Cleomestra, had an affair with what a beautiful woman he met while travelling. That woman just happened to be Mnemosyne. After he returned home to his wife and family, a few months went by and in 1201 BC, Mnemsoyne delivered their son to his doorstep. His wife was not pleased with the realisation her husband had an affair, but she also was not stupid enough to risk incurring the wrath of a goddess, so agreed to raise the child as if it were her own.

When the conflict started with the Greeks, Pedaeus was only a teen, but he was a strong fighter, and begged to be allowed to fight for Troy. As the conflict neared its end, and it appeared that the Greeks were going home, Pedaeus had seen very little action in the war, though three of his brothers were dead. He was uneasy the night that the large wooden horse was pulled into the gates of Troy, something did not seem right. Unfortunately, by the time, anyone realised the truth, it was too late, and the Greeks were within their walls. As he saw the woman he loved killed, and his beloved city burning, he vowed to fight to the death, and fight to the death he did.

At the time, Mnemosyne had very few children in the world, and she mourned his death, and for hundreds of years was bitter over the reasons he died. Finally, in spring of 2011, she decided she wanted her son back, and she spoke him alive, from words and memories. Because he was just a memory, he did not have Pedaeus’s soul, so Mnemosyne gave him a new name, Jayson Steele, so that he would fit in with this new world and time. She sent him to camp, and promised him one day, a quest to regain his soul, and become whole.


To see his whole bio http://camphalfbloodroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Jayson_Steele

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