Korsan - Son of Dionysus/Wine Nature Spirit

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Catherine Kearne was raised in a strict Anglican Christian home, as she grew up; she developed a beautiful singing voice, and sang in the church choir. Even after finishing high school, she continued to sing in the choir, over the years, Dionysus would grow bored, and sometimes pose as the delivery person delivering wine to the churches for communion events. On these occasions, he would hear Catherine sing, and it touched his heart, year after year he came back until when she was 21, he wanted so badly to meet her, despite the fact that she was a strong believer in a single god, he introduced himself to her, and even attended some Sunday services. They dated for a while, and to account for times when he had to be away, he pretended to travel for business. He desperately wanted to consummate their love by having sex with her, but she insisted on waiting until marriage. That was until one night, the night he decided to try to get her in bed by proposing, and then celebrating by getting her drunk on some very strong wine. It worked, and upon finding out she was pregnant with twins, knowing she would never believe him being a Greek god, and not wanting to yet shatter her strong beliefs in a single god, he slipped away. As the kids grew, he knew, knowing that there was no one to tell them the truth; he had a satyr stationed near them, to keep a watch over them.

Catherine was heartbroken when Dionysus disappeared (though to her she always knew him as Daniel); she raised her children the only way she knew how, in the Anglican Church. She also raised them to sing and they both enjoyed playing instruments. Things seemed to go well for some time, but as the kids neared 12, Jonah decided to come out of the closet, shocking both his brother and his mother, neither of whom were at all impressed or happy about the turn of events. At first, both Catherine and Korsan were not at all nice towards Jonah. Catherine was furious that she could have a son who was such an abomination and honestly, with Korsan, the biggest issue was just the shock, of not really knowing your twin as much as you thought, and maybe somewhere deep down he feared that maybe he was gay as well, and that thought disgusted him at first. Korsan to ignoring his brother, and stood in the shadows when Catherine would try and “beat the gay” out of Jonah, and all of the rest of the punishments she inflicted on him.

This continued for over a year, but as Catherine’s abuse of Jonah continued and worsened, it was harder and harder for Korsan to ignore it. A few months prior to the twin’s 14th birthday, the monsters were starting to sniff around. As Korsan had been mostly ignoring his twin, he would even go as far as to take a separate route home than his brother, so he would not be seen with him. He was attacked near home by a hellhound, scared and cornered, he probably would have died, if not for his neighbour Mr Potter, he stepped in and past him a strange looking sword, and between the satyr distracting the hellhound and yelling directions to Korsan, he was able to kill the hellhound. Mr. Potter asked where Jonah was, saying that if there was a hellhound after Korsan, there was a good chance there was one after Jonah as well, and as Mr Potter couldn’t be in two places at once, he’d been closer to Korsan. Suddenly the thought of Jonah being cornered and alone by a monster pushed everything else aside, he had been awful to his brother and if he died now he would never have the chance to really make amends. Korsan and Mr. Potter took off towards the Kearne home as fast as they could run, getting there just in time as Jonah had indeed also been cornered by a hellhound. Korsan stepped in and saved his brother, receiving a wound in the process. Now with the danger having passed, Mr Potter had time to explain things to the twins properly.

Korsan and Jonah had no idea how they were going to convince their very strict Anglican mother that they were demigods and needed to start spending time at some camp in the United States to train to kill monsters, it just sounded and felt all too surreal. Mr Potter agreed to do what he could with them, but if bigger monsters came, as two demigods had a stronger scent than one, it would become harder and harder. Korsan started working out and training as hard as he could in his free time when his mother was not home, helping Jonah as much as he could. He was still a bit weirded out by his brother being gay, but he was growing more accepting of it. One afternoon, shortly after their 14th birthday, Korsan heard shouting coming from the kitchen, he walked in from behind his mother who’s hand was poised to hit Jonah for the umpteenth time. Not being able to stand it anymore, he grabbed his mother’s wrist forcefully from behind and yelled at her to stop hitting Jonah. At first, she was shocked that he was suddenly standing up for his brother, and then started mocking Korsan, figuring if he was suddenly standing up for Jonah, that must mean Korsan was gay as well. Korsan had put on a lot of muscle tone in the last 6 months, and Catherine didn’t dare hit him, so just mocked them instead, verbally abusing both boys.

For two years, the boys did their best to get through school and monster attacks without having to go to camp, afraid to tell their mother the truth. Over time, they survived another hellhound attack, as well as a harpy attack, with the help of Mr Potter. Shortly after the boys turned 16, disaster struck, they caught the attention of the hydra. In the chaos that ensued Jonah was hurt, Mr Potter was dead and Korsan was mortally wounded. As Korsan lay dying in Jonah’s arms, Dionysus took pity on his son, and pleaded with Zeus to be allowed to turn Korsan into a wine spirit so that at the very least, his brother would not be alone in the world with no one to care for him. Zeus agreed, and as Korsan breathed his last breath as a demigod, he awoke as a wine spirit. They finally decided to tell their mother the truth about their demigod status, and begged her to allow them to go to New York, but she refused, thinking they were crazy, and even went so far as to make doctor’s appointments to have psych evaluations. Korsan, realising that the most help he expected to get from the gods was being turned into a wine spirit, realised he needed to take action into his own hands, and while their mother was away one evening, he packed their things, stole a car, cleaned out his mother’s bank accounts and made their way to the airport.

While traveling to the United States, the brothers had some time to talk; they both agreed that it was not fair to have been brought up by a mother who hated Jonah, and in a world where they were not safe. They were angry that their father did nothing to help them, at least that they knew of, as they had no idea it was Dionysus that turned Korsan into a wine spirit, they suspected perhaps, but there was no way to know for sure. All they knew for sure was that 16 ½ years ago, Dionysus sent Mr Potter to keep an eye on them, but that was it, in almost 17 years. Getting off the plane, they made the decision to avoid camp, and lived on their own for nearly a year, but it was a constant struggle, making enough money to buy food, staying below the mortal radar, and avoiding monsters. One day while struggling through a particularly nasty empousai attack, some members of the Broken Covenant stumbled upon them and aided them. Hearing what the BC stood for, they chose to see if they could make a home with them, and help with their goals of overthrowing the gods.

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