Angelique Buchannon - Daughter of Persephone

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I guess I should start by explaining that before being brought to camp I was diagnosed with something called Dissociative identity disorder, basically that means I have multiple distinct identities or personalities (known as alter egos or alters), each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. Although why I have this is a bit more complicated to explain.


I was found on the door step of an orphanage in Louisiana, no note, no one around, just abandoned. At the age of three, I was brutally abused on one of my foster homes, at the age of 6 I started experiencing weird black outs, I wouldn't remember hours or days at a time, but sometimes I would have these weird random images or glimpses of things, experiences, like they were someone else's dreams. When I was 12, I woke up from one of these black outs, hiding in a closet, my foster parents house half destroyed, both of them dead, I remembered nothing. I was put in an institution after that. After awhile of working with the doctors and having hypnosis sessions, they started documenting some of my "alters". The weird part was, 2 of my "alters" seemed to have lived full lives, one claimed to have been in the Union Army, another claimed to have been an English spy for MI6 in England. Now his story really interested the doctors, because not only did he claim to be someone who lived before, he claimed to have been in love with a goddess, a goddess by the name of Persephone. He told the doctors that they were in love, and that the last thing he remembered was Persephone telling him she was pregnant, and she didn't know how she was going to keep it from Hades. I left her to go be "dipped" in the river so that my life would be forgotten and I could be reborn, the next thing I know I'm fighting for control of this consciousness. Well, not long and I was attacked by a doctor, who was apparently actually a Greek monster. After that a satyr found me, and helped me to escape the loony bin, and brought me to camp, where I live all the time.

so I was 15 when I came to camp, and lived in the Hermes' cabin for awhile, although I spent most of my time in the forest, as people really couldn't handle my alters. My 16th birthday a few weeks ago I was finally claimed, by Persephone, surprise surprise, so I guess one of my alters was telling the truth. So she gave me the full story. There was a man named Rhett Butane, a colonel in the Union Army, he lived a long productive life and because of this he was granted a re-birth. He was re-born as Xander Owen, who ended up as a spy for MI6, and apparently loved go garden, somehow Persephone crossed paths with him one spring when she was allowed out of the underworld, and they began a love affair, upon his early death, at the age of 40, he again had lived a good enough life he was offered re-birth.

Upon being dipped into the river, Hades found out that this very man/soul that was getting ready to be re-born, had gotten his wife pregnant, well that didn't make Hades very happy, and in his wrath, he made sure the soul was re-born as Persephone's child, and that for this life, the soul would be a girl. So I guess because of my demigod powers, I was able to see all my past lives, so really 2 of what the doctors called my "alters" were real people. Then there's the gate keeper, she's the mature responsible calm one, she holds the keys to all the alters, her name is Natalie. After I was abused as a child I formed another alter, a protector, she comes out when I've been hurt or scared, her name is Victoria, well and so far that's it, although, you never know, when you have DID, there's always the possibility of another fracture causing another personality, but we'll see.

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