Keilana Mahi'ai - Daughter of Aphrodite

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Their grandfather was born in 1931 to nurse who had married a sailor in the US navy. In 1941 when Pearl Harbour was attacked, Akoni was in school at the time, and lost both his parents that day. He was sent to an orphanage, and shuffled from foster home to foster home for a few years. Despite having been orphaned at a young age, Akoni grew up and became an outstanding individual, he went on to get a college degree in History, going on to teach at the college he graduated from. When he was 30 he met a beautiful student there, much younger than him by 12 years, but they fell in love and married none-the-less. They went on to have 7 children, Mano being the youngest, born in 1970. Because his father was orphaned at a young age, he always expressed the importance of family, and was always very over protective of his family.

In 1984, Mano started dating a girl he went to school with, they fell in love and were together right up into college. Before they were to be married, Alani was home for spring break in Kalapana, when eruptions occurred, the lava flow took out the entire town including two others, without enough warning to get out, Alani perished. Mano continued on with college, graduating with honours, but his heart always longed for the love he lost. Aphrodite took notice of him, feeling bad for him and the love he mourned, she started visiting him, and Mano after some time fell in love with her, a year later twins were born in 1993. Aphrodite, as all gods and goddesses do, left the children with their mortal parent. She tried to explain who she really was and why she had to leave, but Mano was heart broken.

Mano tried his best raising them alone, he worked hard as a professor at the local college, and often took on second and even third jobs to pay the bills. When he was home with the kids, he was stern and demanding. He never talked of their mother, and if the kids ever asked, he always found away around answering. Late one night when the kids were 7, Mano was still up grading some mid-term papers, Aphrodite paid him a visit, trying to explain to him again, who she was, and what that meant for their children. Despite Aphrodite being a goddess of love, the fact that she had left Mano, nothing she could do would make him listen, as the conversation grew more heated, Keilana woke up hearing her father yelling, scared, she snuck into her brother’s room and crawled into his bed waking him up. They couldn't make out the entire conversation, but they heard bits and pieces. Something about some camp, and monsters attacking when they get older, it all sounded so insane.

When the children turned 10, a package showed up on their doorstep when they got home from school. Fortunately they beat their father home, otherwise they may have never received the package addressed to them. Inside was a heart shaped locket a purple glass hair pick for Keilana, and a red heart-shaped watch and a pocketknife for Keoni. There was also a note attached, telling them to keep these things with them always, that one day when they least expected it, these things would come in handy. After this time, the twins started noticing strange things, odd looking people following them, or staring at them, and when they looked at them just right, they looked monstrous or hideous. As the twins could rarely be found without a group of friends are at least each other, they remained relatively unscathed for a few more years.

The twins were raised in Kīlauea Kauai. They had an admittedly normal childhood. The two grew up being very close. Keoni was very athletic and outdoors-y, taking up surfing and basketball. Though his passion was his archery. He would often sneak off late at night to practice and come home and sleep all day, putting off his academic responsibilities, much to their father’s chagrin. Due to his dyslexia and ADHD he was never academically inclined,despite being naturally clever, but due to his father’s insistence, he was never particularly concerned. When angry, or feeling emotional, he would often find himself yelling at people in a mixture of both French and Greek, which always confused him, as he had never studied either language.

Keilana was also athletic and outdoors-y, but instead of surfing she preferred volleyball and wake boarding. She also enjoyed rock climbing, and would often venture out onto the cliffs along the shores. Their father never approved of this, fearing for her safety, especially around active volcanoes, so she often would sneak out to do this without their father’s knowledge. Because of the ADHD and Dyslexia that generally plagues demigods, she was diagnosed early with dyslexia, and managed to get paired up with a special tutor to help her, so her grades weren’t that bad. She enjoyed learning, but preferred to do it on her own time, so any bad grades she did get were usually for lack of trying or caring then actual academic issues. When she wasn’t spending her time with sports or sneaking off to rock climb, she could often be found at the local library, reading books on a variety of subjects. She could not read fast because of her dyslexia, but she did enjoy trying. Her favourite was romance novels, though if her father ever found any in her room, he would yell at her and throw them away, calling them smut and that romance was a waist of time. She also had an aptitude for languages, especially French and Greek. Though this also angered her father, though she never understood why.

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