Adrienne Campeau - Daughter of Hephaestus

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"With blood and hatred of crimson red ripped from a corpse so freshly dead combined with all her hellish hate she'll burn the world, for it is your fate""

My name, is Adrienne, and my life has taken many turns in the last 60 or so years, but everyone's story starts somewhere I suppose. It was 1918, and the treaty to end the war to end all wars, had just been signed in Versailles, France, the town where my mother was born and raised. She was 17 when the treaty was signed. The war had been hard on her family, her father was killed early on. Her mother, my grandmother, and her had very little to live on and even less to live for. One thing my mother loved was making things with her hands, she always had a knack for mechanics. After the war ended, she would try and make money for the family by salvaging what she could from old vehicles, selling them for scraps, or getting things to run again for those who had money and could pay. Her tenacity for life and love for mechanics and building things was what drew Hephaestus to her, that and her beauty.

They had a short love affair, and as all gods, once I was born he stopped coming around. That was in 1924. My mother did her best to raise me, on her meagre earnings, she married in 1927, mostly to provide for me and less to do with love, as he owned his own company, that had sprouted up in the aftermath of the war, as Europe tried to pull together and rebuild what was lost. When I was 12 monsters started attacking, at 14 it had gotten so bad my mother thought it might be best for me to travel to America and go to some camp for demigods. I hated the idea, and then when I was 15 just prior to Germany invading France, while fending off a particularly nasty harpy, I met [[Lilith]]. She was amazing, put the harpy down with hardly any effort. I was immediately enamoured and eager to learn more about her. I explained to her my situation, my history, how she was the first demigod besides myself I had met. The threat of war was imminent, and she told me about the gods being involved in it, how each too sides. I was determined to not go to some idiotic camp in America when there was clearly going to be fighting in Europe. My fate was sealed when, in 1940, Germany invaded France, and for the next four years I fought along side Lilith, against the Germans, against the gods and demigods who sided with the Germans.

In that time I grew quite obsessed with Lilith, envious even. She had no god parent to answer to, the blood of Ouranos surged through her, making her strong, and immortal. I realise she could fall in battle, but that didn't matter to me. She was everything I wanted to be and more. I was tired of being enslaved to the gods very quickly. My father, Hephaestus seemed to care more for catching his precious Aphrodite with Ares, then he ever did for me, his own flesh and blood. I was tired of being his errand girl in his vendetta against them. During the war, despite my growing hatred for the gods, I met another demigod, a son of Ares, I was smitten with him, he was handsome, strong, courageous. Near the end of the war, after a particularly nasty trick my father had me carry out on Aphrodite and Ares while they were having a rendezvous in a small town in southern France, Ares decided it was time to punish me, and he allowed his own son to perish, so that I would know loss. Shortly after this the war ended, but I was still hungry for blood, hungry for immortal blood, I had word that there had been a Nazi scientist experimenting on immortal hunters who had once been demigods, to give himself immortality. If a mere mortal could gain immortality this way, though limited it was, then what could stronger blood do for me. This is where I erred gravely, in a desperate attempt to become like Lilith, I tried to take some of her blood, and barely escaped with my life.

This was a pivotal point in my life, and I had to decide just how far was I willing to go to gain immortality. So I did some research on the [ Erinyes], monsters created when Ouranos' blood hit the earth upon his castration. I learned that they came in moments when children wronged their parents, to avenge the parents, as they were born from the blood of a parent betrayed by his children. I had only one chance, I laid a careful trap, and in a moment of lustful rage, I killed my mother. When one of the Erinyes came, I was ready, I struck quickly, as Lilith had trained me so well to do. My prize, was the blood of an Erinyes, I found the Nazi scientist, hiding in the mountains north of Italy, and for the price of bringing him an immortal hunter as his captive, he infused the Erinyes blood with my own.

This gave me not nearly the power I was hoping for, but the blood of course was far more diluted then the blood that made Lilith what she became. Still, mixed with my demigod blood it gave me immortality, although I can still be killed in battle, and by disease, as the blood was not nearly enough to keep me protected from all forms of death. I realised after doing this, it meant I had turned my back on everything, but I was hungry for power, and hated the gods for all they did, for their pettiness, for their love affairs, for their bitter vindictive unforgiving attitudes. They cared little for the children that they populated the earth with. As I travelled around, avoiding demigods as much as possible, I soon learned of the Broken Covenant, and sought out [[Heinrich Alten]], upon joining I joined the faction led by [[Tanith Vlasta]].


I have used and been used, I have betrayed and been betrayed, I have loved and been loved, I have lost all and gained everything and yet have nothing, I live to die and I die to live, I am surrounded by chaos, and will not rest until I stand above it all, and will show no mercy to those who stand against me.

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