Clarice Lefevre - Daughter of Hebe

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Clarice was born to Bastien Lefevre and Hebe on 17 May 1969. Bastien was a biologist working for a cosmetics company that offered a line of beauty products to help woman keep a youthful appearance. Hebe was drawn to him, because he was always struggling in his research to find natural ways to help woman stay youthful without the use of too many chemicals. A couple of weeks after Clarice was born, Hebe explained to Bastien who she really was, and what would happen when Clarice got older and came into her powers. She told him about a camp in America, where Clarice would be able to train with other demigods to defend herself.

She grew up fairly happy. Her father worked hard, and never remarried, so Clarice was used to taking care of herself and her father when he managed to come home at all hours of the night from working late. She cooked for him, and kept the house clean, though oftentimes her grades suffered because of this. Everything was fine, until she was 12, when a hellhound attacked; fortunately, a boy from school who walked with a limp rescued her.

He explained to her that he was a satyr, and that she was a demigod. At first, she was freaked out, and ran home to find her father. He was not home, so she paced around the house, cleaning and trying to keep her mind off what the satyr had said. It got later and later and her father still had not come home. She fell asleep on the couch waiting for him. She woke up late the next morning to a knock on her door. It was a police officer. There had been an explosion at the company her father worked for; some environmental extremists had set explosives at the company to protest testing on animals. The explosives had been set to go off late at night when no one would be there, but they had not anticipated her father staying and working late. He was killed instantly in the explosion.

In all the confusion Clarice had completely forgotten about the hellhound attack, or the celestial bronze sword the satyr had given her that was disguised as a hair clip. She packed some of her things and was sent to England to live with her aunt. All seemed well for another two years, until the age of 14, when a strange looking substitute teacher asked her to step into her classroom during lunch period. Once the teacher had her alone, she turned into her harpy form, and attacked Clarice, she pulled the hair clip out of and it turned immediately into the sword. She struggled for a bit, trying to gain an advantage. However, the harpy was clearly stronger. As the harpy was about to inflict the fatal blow, the same boy from France burst in and distracted the harpy long enough for her to kill it. She had no idea how the boy had followed her to England, but with another attack and her father dead, she had no reason any more not to believe the satyr. She convinced her aunt she needed to go to a special boarding school in America, and they left for camp when the summer holiday started.

Joining the Hunters

After getting to camp, she spent the first year, training and getting to know everyone, over time she started dating Micah Bachelder. By the time her first quest came up in March 1986, they were madly in love with each other. The quest would take them, and three others, to Ukraine. One of the other questers, a daughter of Aphrodite, was insanely jealous of Clarice, and wanted Micah for herself. While they started out on the quest, Jezabel, the daughter of Aphrodite, looked for any opportunity she could find to slip a love potion in Micah's drink. Shortly before they reached Pripyet, Jezabel slipped the potion in Micah's soda. All she had to do was waiting for an opportunity to get him alone and kiss him before Clarice.

As they neared Chernobyl, Jezabel managed to convince everyone to split up. She went with Micah, and Clarice went with the other two. Clarice suspected something was up, and double backed, only to catch Micah and Jezabel making out. Clarice was irate, but before she could confront the two, a hydra, chimera, and a fire breathing drakon attacked them. In the chaos, the questers were separated. The hydra went after Jezabel and Micah, and the chimera and drakon went after the other three, who had run off and were right near Chernobyl's reactors. In the chaos of fighting there was an explosion, incidentally this incident became known to the mortals as the Chernobyl disaster and all they saw in the mist was an explosion in one of the reactors. Micah was able to use his wind powers, to blow the radiation and explosive concussion away from him and Jezabel, but Clarice and the other two were too close. The other two died almost immediately, Clarice barely alive and close to death limped off.

Micah went insane with anger, and wanted to go back into look for Clarice, but Jezabel convinced him there was no hope, and they fled making their way back to camp. Artemis happened to be nearby, tracking the monsters, she finds Clarice, close to death, and offers to make her a hunter. Clarice accepts. Hebe is irate with Micah, for betraying her daughter and leaving her to die. Before Jezabel and Micah can make it back to camp, Hebe tracks them down, and she curses Micah to never age, so that no matter who he falls in love with, he will have to watch them die of old age.

Devastated over the death of Clarice, he decides not to go back to camp, and wanders the world. Clarice stayed with the hunters for many years, and has decided to come to camp, and take a short break from being out on the active hunt. She has no idea that Micah has also come back to camp.

Leaving the Hunters

To see the full bio and why she left the Hunt, see

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