Kendra Crawford - Daughter of Poseidon

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I was born in 1962. Not much to tell really, I lived the typical childhood of a demigod, I started seeing monsters when I was 9, but thanks to my best friend, Billy, I managed to stay out of trouble until I was 12, when with his help, I survived a Minotaur attack, and found out Billy was a satyr. I started going to camp after that, at first just summers, but my mother died when I was 16 of Leukaemia, my aunt took me in, but as soon as I could, I packed my bags and headed to live at camp year round.

in 1980 while on a quest, me and my friends were attacked in Los Angeles by a large group of monsters, in the chaos, I got cut off from my friends, I tried to get to them, but instead watched them die, I managed to get to the ocean, and heal from my wounds. Once the monsters were gone, I made my way back to camp, upset at losing my friends, when I came to Las Vegas; I came upon the Lotus Casino and was drawn in.

A few months ago, I a satyr found me, and brought me out. When I found out over 30 years had passed, I was insanely upset, as we made our way back to camp, I found this object, when I touched it.....well I'd rather not talk about it, but it made me go quite mad for a few months. Alecander Page and his friends found me, and managed to subdue me long enough to get the necklace off. Apparently, it was a piece of some tripod (See,Quest of The Lost Tripod). So here I am, back where I started, everyone I knew or loved is gone or dead, so I hope to start things over now.


For the full bio see

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