Marilynn Hougaz - Water Nymph (Formerly a child of Pontus)

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I was born in Egypt, to Andrea Hougaz, after a few years of struggling there, she moved to America, hoping to find better work to support her and me. She never talked about my father, and I never asked. My mother worked so many jobs to take care of me, I hardly ever saw her. There really isn't much to tell about the first 13 years of my life, that was when I was attacked by a hellhound and learned of my "Greek" heritage. A satyr took me to camp, where for a year I remained unclaimed by anyone. It was clear to the camp director that I was a child of a water god, but why he wouldn't claim me, no one knew. I went home for my freshman year of high school, and while out walking on the beach one day I was attacked by Telekhines. I tried to fight them off, but was overwhelmed and I lay on the beach dying. That's when I met Poseidon, and he saved me and told me the real story of my birth.

Apparently years ago, Pyriphlegethon had grown wear of Hades' incessant foul moods one spring while Persephone was not by his side, so he left the underworld, and walked around appearing as a mortal. He met a beautiful Egyptian woman, and after a date, was madly in love with her.

However, Pontus had also been travelling around under the guise of a mortal, and decided to go after the same woman. Before Priphlegethon could consummate their love, Pontus forced himself upon the woman, impregnating her. When Pyriphlegethon found out, he was furious, but there was little at the time he could do, so he stormed off, also leaving the woman, alone and pregnant.

Pyriphlegethon brooded for months, as to how to get back at Pontus for what he did, so merely days before she was due to give birth, he kidnapped the woman, and put her in a room with no windows and left her there. When she went into labour, he waited until the child was born (not realising she was actually pregnant with twins), when the child was born, which was my sister, he took the child, and threw the woman out into an alley. Taking the other child, my sister, he turned her into a fire nymph, and never told her the truth.

After Pryiphlegethon took my sister, my mother gave birth to another child, me. A kind Samaritan found her in the alley and got her to a hospital, which saved both her and the child. Once I heard this story, I thanked Poseidon, I spend some months getting used to my new powers as a nymph, but I soon grew restless, and after hearing of my mother's death, I decided to go to camp, hoping that one day my sister would also go there, and we would find each other.

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