Rex Gadway - Son of Persephone

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Regis was once happily married to his high school sweet heart, Linda. They married right after high school, and held off starting a family until they both finished college. Upon graduation, and Regis getting a decent job, they started working towards having their first child. After a couple of years of trying, they could not seem to get pregnant, upon seeing a specialist his wife found out that she had ALS. The doctor’s concluded that due to the type of ALS, she had maybe 5 years before becoming completely paralysed, and if she was lucky, 10 years before she would succumb entirely to the disease.

They were devastated, not only would they not be able to have the family they so longed for, but the clock was ticking on how much time they had left together. Over the first year, Linda hated seeing her husband so sad, and she wanted more than anything to give him a child that he could love and care for long after she was gone. She started researching online, hoping to find someone that would be willing to be a surrogate. While taking a walk in the park during one particularly warm spring, she ran into a beautiful woman, full of youth and vigour, Persephone introduced herself as Theresa and asked why Linda was crying. Linda told Theresa (Persephone) the whole story, including how she talked to Regis about having a surrogate but that he could not imagine raising a child without her.

Theresa (Persephone) felt horrible for the woman and her situation, and in a moment of sympathy, revealed that she was Persephone, a Greek goddess. Persephone told the woman, that she could mimic Linda’s appearance and he would never know it was not Linda. Linda wanting so badly to give her husband a child, agreed. Later that day, before Regis came home from work, she left and Persephone came and took her place. Regis had no idea anything was up, until nine months passed and they found a baby on their doorstep. Linda insisted they kept the child and raised it as their own, Regis not wanting to deny his wife any bit of happiness agreed. They named the child Rex.

By this time, Linda was already three years into the disease, and was confined to a wheel chair most of the time. Regis hired a nanny as well as a day nurse to help take care of his son and wife. The next 7 years were hard on the family, and Rex spent more time with his nanny than with his own parents. When Linda passed away shortly after Rex’s 8th birthday, Regis was damn near broke and drowning in medical expenses that the insurance company would not cover. For a couple of years he wallowed in his depression, but then just before Rex’s 11th birthday Regis came into some money upon the death of his mother. He decided to invest the money into the hunt for gold in Alaska. By the time, Rex was 12 they were living in Nome, Alaska and Regis was working on a gold dredge hoping to strike it big.

Rex had a mostly uneventful time in Alaska; he was a quiet child, after having grown up around so much loss and sadness. He did not have too many friends in school, but he was not all that unpopular either. He loved all things science fiction, his favourite show being Doctor Who, and the character Captain Jack Harkness. He always felt he could relate to Jack, especially after watching Torchwood. At 14 he came out as what most just called Bi-sexual, but after having watched Torchwood, he used the term omni or pansexual. He even ended up having a boyfriend, who nicknamed him Captain Jack. Things seemed to be going well for Rex, until turned 15 and was attacked by a monstrous dog during hockey practise. He could not believe his eyes, at how enormous the dog was. He would have been killed, were it not for the fact that he kept an old antique key on him at all times, that his mother had left for him, with a note to keep it with him always. The key turned into a sword, and before he could react, a classmate yelled out at him to stab the hellhound with the sword. After a little bit more of a fight, he was able to stab the hellhound as it turned to dust, he looked over at his classmate and suddenly realised his classmate had furry goat legs. The classmate revealed himself to be a satyr, and explained to Rex that he was a demigod and what that meant. Together they tried to explain to his father, but his father refused to believe, that there was any way the woman he had dated from such a young age, the woman he had watched die, could have been a goddess.

After a while, and another hellhound attack in which Rex ended up with a broken arm, his father finally agreed to let Rex go to camp, at first he was just a seasonal camper. In January his father died from an accident while on the dredge, and left for camp to be a year round camper until he can figure out what he wants to do with his life. 


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