Gabriella Biddle - Hunter of Artemis (Former child of Zeus)

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My mother, Arabella, was born in 1740 to a wealthy family in Britain. At the young age of 11 she was promised by her family to be married to the Lord Biddle's youngest son, who surpassed her in age by nearly 20 years, but this was just how things were done in those times. When my mother turned 14 and became a woman, a lavish ceremony was held in the outskirts of London uniting Arabella Lee and Nicholas Biddle in holy matrimony, my mother was 14 and my father was 34 at the time of their union. Soon after my father moved them to the colonies, and made a life for himself there. Although my mother respected their marriage, she was young, and never really loved Nicholas, as hard as she tried.

The summer of 1756 my mother was visiting the seaside, and met and fell in love with Zeus. They carried on an affair for a few weeks while my mother was on holiday by the sea, and it was there I was conceived. My mother hid this from my father, and Zeus said he would do what he could to make sure our family would remain safe. On February 2, 1757 when my mother went into labour with me, she died just as she gave birth, the doctors couldn't explain why her heart stopped like it did, but years and years later I learned from Zeus that somehow while she was giving birth to me, some of my powers were revealed and I unintentionally gave her an electric shock as I was born, stopping her heart and killing her instantly. The only possession of my mother's I had to hold on to growing up was a golden letter opener and a picture of my mother.

My father raised me as best he could, in 1770 he joined the American cause for the colonies independence from Britain, and worked his way up in the continental navy, becoming well respected. He always made as much time for his daughter as he could, and throughout those 21 years of my life with him, Zeus respected my mother's wishes, and only watched from a far, trying his best to keep monsters at bay.

When I was 18 I was still unwed, which for a young woman that age, was unheard of, I was a spinster in the eyes of the gossipers and socialites. I spent much of my time in nature, alone, or target practising with the bow my father had bought for me on my 16th birthday. I also loved to paint, and on stormy rainy nights I would look out at the harbour we were living by, and paint the lightning as it would fly across the skies. I was always fascinated by lightning. I soon caught the eye of a man named Baron Ottendorf, a German man fighting on the colonies side, or so we thought.

I fell head over heals in love with him, I couldn't help myself around him, no matter what he asked I couldn't help but answer him, and even when he would ask me questions about things I would overhear in my father's study, about the war efforts, I still answered his every question, hoping that one day he would marry me, and I would no longer be a spinster for the other ladies in our circle to gossip about.

In March of 1778 I received the most dreadful news, my father's naval ship had been pinned down by a ship of superior strength and weaponry. My father fought valiantly, but in the end was killed, and the ship went down carrying hundreds of men to their deaths. I ran to find Baron, desperately seeking comfort in his arms. When I found him, he was utterly unsurprised at my news, like he almost expected it. I quickly realised he was packing, as if to go somewhere and never return. With my look of shock on my face, he started laughing at me. He called me a silly child, and told me my own naivety was to blame for my father's death. He then revealed to me he had been a spy for Britain all along, and if I told anyone this, he would paint me to be his willing accomplice. I was horrified and bitterly angry, suddenly with tears streaming down her face and a well of anger and hatred building up inside her, the air suddenly became alive with electricity, before I realised the electricity was actually coming from within me, the room was full of it, and Baron lay dead on the floor. In a panic the lightning ceased, and I bent over Baron's dead body, it appeared it had been through a hundred lightning strikes all at once, parts of his body were burnt beyond recognition.

I ran upstairs to pack a satchel, to leave the town, although I had no idea where I would go. I used my father's travelling saddle, packed a few necessities, threw on my riding attire, and headed towards the stables. Apparently the over use of my powers had caught the attention of a harpy that had been near by, after saddling my father's best horse, I turned and for a moment thought I was looking at one of our servant girls, but soon realised it was a hideous monster the likes of which I had never before even imagined. As the monster lunged at me, lightning streaked across the sky, and in an instant something came over me, I reached into my satchel, and pulled out my mother's letter opener, but instead of a letter opener it was a bronze sword, and I quickly slew the creature. I then grabbed my bow and arrow and rode off out of town and into the forest. I had no idea where to go or what to do. After riding for hours, a woman appeared to me, it was Artemis, she explained to me that I was a demigod, and she told me about her group of hunters and asked me to join. So with no where else to turn, I took her offer. A few months into it while out on a hunt Zeus appeared to me and claimed me as his child and apologised for not coming sooner, but that he had promised my mother that as long as I was happy he would leave me be.

I was fine with this, and continued for years at Artemis' service working my way up in her ranks, earning her trust, eager to please. No matter how hard I worked, I was always being overlooked for her Lietuenant spot, although the spot was only made available when her current Lietuenant fell in battle, but I was still eager to earn that spot. I served Artemis faithfully for over a hundred mortal years, until World War II that is. It wasn't until years after the war ended I learned the truth behind what happened to me. At the time I could only believe what I was told, that Artemis had allowed me to be captured by the Nazi's and had turned a blind eye to their torturous experiments. The only reason they were able to hold me was that they had demigods in their ranks. Apparently as demigods aren't born immortal, Hitler was determined to try and learn a way to exploit what made a hunter immortal, and to try and use that to make himself immortal.

Of course it wasn't until after the end of the war, when I was able to escape in the chaos, that I learned the truth. Artemis was given a prophecy by her brother Apollo, one which led her to believe that one amongst her would betray her at some future date. Hades' also learned of this prophecy, and sent Artemis false information that I had willingly gone over to the side of the Nazi's and allowed them to take my blood to learn any secrets it held of immortality. Artemis was convinced this meant that I was the one who was to betray her, and that it was another hunter, one who had not been made a hunter yet who would be her greatest Lietuenant.

So Artemis lied to Laryl Stewart, and painted Poseidon out to only have used Laryl, in her youthful naivety she believed Artemis, and cursed Poseidon, and became a hunter. Who was quickly made Artemis' lieutenant, and did appear to be her best and most loyal hunter.

For the last 50 years or so I've lived on my own, keeping a watchful eyes on the hunters, but never making my presence known to them. Until now, the story of Jordan and Laryl reached me, and I had to see for myself the harm that Artemis did towards yet another hunter.

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