Belinda Castelletti - Daughter of Ariadne

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In order for me to tell you my story, I must first tell you of his story. His father was half Irish, half English. His grandmother fled her oppressive catholic family, to marry a Protestant Englishman. They bore a son, William Smith, in 1690. William grew up like most English children, knowing neither great poverty or great wealth. They were middle class, and he was a happy child. When he was 27, he was betrothed to a woman his father approved of, who was nearly 10 years younger than him, in the months prior to the nuptials he met a beautiful and mysterious woman, he fell madly in love and met with her in secret, days before his wedding, she disappeared. So he married the woman that his father had chosen for him, and on the night of their wedding, she became pregnant with child. Nine months later, just days before she was due to give birth, a woman showed up on their door step, with another child, the child would come to be named Angus Smith. When William's wife found out that he had been unfaithful to her weeks leading up to their wedding, and was so angry she demanded that he kill this child he had conceived with another woman, but before anything could be done, she went into labour, and by a stroke of horrible fate, this child, also male, died. So grudgingly she took this other woman's child, as her own, though she would never feel true love for him. By the time Angus turned 12 his surrogate mother had born William 5 other children, whom she loved them all more than Angus, to the point Angus was forced to sleep in the barn, not even giving a place to sleep under their roof.

Around this time he started noticing strange things, very un-god like things, strange monsters seemed to be stalking him, and he could understand all languages, and sometimes when he read from books, things seemed to come to life. One day while William was sleeping, a great uproar came from the house, as he woke, and ran towards the home, he heard screams, a hellhound was tearing apart the house, as it lunged out of the house towards him, it knocked over a lantern, and the house was soon engulfed in flames. Angus had little time to react, at his feet a celestial bronze sword appeared and with much effort he managed to slay the beast before him.

The next morning brought a new light on the circumstances. Many of the town folk blamed Angus for killing his family, but there was no real proof, so he was sent to live with grandmother's family, in Ireland. They were strict Catholics, and they drilled the Christian god into his soul, any time something abnormal seemed to happen around him, he was beaten. Soon he grew convinced any powers he had, was the work of the devil, and he immersed himself into the Catholic Church, changing his last name to that of his grandparents, McLoughlin. Eventually he became a cardinal, and was relocated by the church to help in Italy, during the inquisitions.

This is the part of my story where I come in. I was born in Sicily, in 1750, near the end of the Spanish inquisition, at least in that part of the world. My father fell in love with a goddess, and in secret, courted her. After I was born Ariadne left, and my father promised to take care of me. When I was 3 he married a local woman, from a fairly prominent family, and she bore my father other children. It was around the time I turned 15 when Cardinal McLoughlin came to our fair Sicily. It was a terrifying time to live, you never knew who might be accused of heresy, and people lived each day fearing the next. Cardinal McLoughlin took a instant liking to me, he coveted me from afar, always watching, as if waiting for something, some excuse to grant him a reason to come down on my family. I learned to use my powers in secret, but not secret enough. One day while out in the surrounding country side, the Cardinal followed me in secret, and saw through the mist, saw what I was really doing, with my powers.

The church quickly came down hard on my family, the Cardinal threatened all their lives, but he was arrogant, and greedy, he made a deal with my father, give me to the Cardinal, to serve him, and he would forget the charges of heresy against my family. My father quickly agreed, too quickly for my heart to not break, at how easy it seemed for my father to throw me away. I was bound and taken, and forced into servitude, I won't go into the terrors of the next year, serving that pig of a man, the things he made me do.

When I was 18, we were relocated in Rome, where the Cardinal was working. One cold rainy night, after a particularly brutal beating from the Cardinal, I managed to slip away, into the dark city, with tears in my eyes I could only think of death, my only possible escape from this horrible man. My mother took pity on me, and sent a butterfly, a beautiful glowing butterfly, and it led me, down into the catacombs beneath, it was dark, and I couldn't see, a beautiful necklace appeared at my feet, it gave me light in the dark, and when I need a sword, it turns into one. I wandered for what felt like a couple of days. Until one day I heard strange voices, a strange new tongue I had never heard before, though it sounded a bit like English, it also sounded totally alien. At the turn of a bend, I saw a group of people, they carried strange devices, that made flashing lights when ever they pressed buttons, and they were dressed quite strangely. A girl lagged behind the group, she saw me, and came over to me. She motioned for me to follow her and the group, something in me wanted to run, but she seemed nice, so I followed, hoping to find food and water. Once we were out of the catacombs and into the light, I had the most amazing shock, so much looked different. I was overwhelmed and passed out.

I woke a few days later, at camp, in the infirmary, it was a hunter who found me, Gabriella Biddle, the last few days while recovering in the infirmary, a child of Mnemosyne Jayson Steele helped me to learn the language better, I'm picking it up rather quickly for someone who isn't a child of Mnemosyne. I've been here a couple of weeks now, but am only just now leaving the infirmary to join the others at the Ariadne Cabin. Alexander the Great apparently conferred with someone, whomever it is he reports to, and learned that Ariadne had taken pity on my situation, and the catacombs worked in much the same way the Lotus Casino does, although to me I was there only a few days, on the outside I was there for over 240 years.

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