Chapter Nine

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Rick quickly wrapped his arms around Sam and start laughing. Pulling away, Sam looked at him confused.

"Of all the places to run into you. A camp. When the world has ended. It really is a small world." He smiles shaking his head.

Sam shrugged her shoulders and glanced at the van.

Where was Merle? Was he dead? She sure hoped not.

"You alright?" Rick asks noticing the change in Sam.

"Where's Me-." Children's terrified screams cuts her off and her, Rick, Shane, and Glenn run towards the screaming children.

"CARL!" Rick yells running as fast as he possibly could.

Running through trees and jumping over logs, they soon reach the children who are running towards them.

"W-W-Walker." Sophia stutters out as she clutches Sam.

Sam strokes Sophia's hair before pushing her gently towards Carol who had joined them.

Walking towards Rick and Shane, sure enough a walker was eating a deer.

Dale pushed his way through and axed the walkers head off.

Suddenly a rustling in the bushes had everyone on their toes.

Weapons raised they got ready to attack whatever was there.

Daryl burst through the bushes and groaned at the weapons raised at him. He looked towards the deer and mumbled a few curse words.

"Damnit. I've been trackin' this deer fer miles." He growled.

He walked towards the walkers detatched body and began to kick it.



"Disease bearing."




He walked back to the deer and began to rip his arrows out.

"Think we can cut around it?" He asked as he traced around the area the walker had eaten.

"Na man, I wouldn't risk it." Shane answered.

He turned to look at Sam who gave him a sad smile. Narrowing his eyes, he knew something was wrong.

Suddenly the walkers head started growling and snapping at the air.

"C'mon people. It's gotta be the brain." He spoke as he shot the walker in the head.

"Gross." Amy gagged.

Barging past everyone, Daryl made his way back to camp.

"Daryl man we gotta talk." Shane said trying to talk to him."

"MERLE!" Daryl shouted, ignoring Shane.

"Daryl." Shane tried again.

"Get your lazy ass out 'ere. I got us some squirrel." Daryl ignored Shane again.

"Daryl there was an incident." Shane said louder.

Daryl turned around to face Shane.

"He dead?" Daryl asked, Sam saw the saddness in his eyes and tried to fight tears of her own. Daryl didn't get to say goodbye.

"We don't know." Rick butted in.

"Ye don't know? How can ye not know? Who tha Hell are ya anyway?" Daryl snapped.

"I'm Rick Grimes. I had to handcuff your brother on the roof. He was out of order. He was beating T-Dog. It was for everyone's safety." Rick spoke calmly.

Daryl started to pace and began to shake his head.

"Rick Grimes. You handcuffed ba brother to a roof, and you just left him there?!" Daryl snapped.

"It wasn't his fault. I dropped the key." T-Dog sighed.

Daryl turned to T-Dog.

"Ya couldn't pick it up?!"

"I dropped it down the drain." T-Dog said rolling his eyes.

Daryl charged at T-Dog but Shane stopped him. He roughly put him in a choke hold.

"Get off me! Choke holdin's illegal." Daryl growled.

"Yeah? Well file a complaint." Shane  smirked.

Sam marched over and started to pull at Shane's shirt.

"Let go of him Shane." She snapped.

Shane instantly let go of Daryl and quickly turned to face her.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that again. Don't even put your hands on me like that again. Who the Hell do you think you are?!" Shane yelled at her.

Sam cowered slightly and Daryl rushed over to her.

Sam gently pushed Daryl away and composed herself.

"Don't talk to me like that Shane. You're not my Father." She replied calmly before walking away.

"'M gonna go get 'im." She heard Daryl say.

She walked back to him and smiled.

"Me too."

"The Hell ye are. Yer stayin' 'ere." He warned.

"But Daryl..."

"No. Don't but me. Yer stayin' 'ere. That's final."

She sighed and sulked towards Daryl's tent and sat down on a log.

She didn't know what had been said but she heard Shane shouting about Rick was going to risk his and other people's lives for Merle.

"I'm coming too." Ellie spoke up.

"Ye got balls." Daryl smirked.

"Thanks." She replied trying to hide a smile.

"We leave tomorrow." Rick announced.

Everyone went their seperate ways and Daryl walked over to Sam and sat next to her.

"Ye alrigh'?" He asks.

"Please be safe." She whispered as she quickly wrapped her arms around him. He tensed for a moment before hugging her back. She looked over and saw Shane watching them. What was his problem?

"Wha's goin' on with you and Amy?" Daryl asks pulling away.

"What?" She asks confused.

Dary smirked slightly and jerked his head in the direction of the RV.

"She's talkin' t' Andrea nd' is looking at ye 'nd smilin'."

"Oh. It's nothing." Sam said with a small smile.

"Yer blushin'." Daryl chuckled.

"Shut up." Sam mumbled.

The rest of the evening consisted of Daryl and Sam talking and Shane watching with jealousy raging through him. Sam didn't know why he kept staring at them. Time would show why he was jealous and why he wanted to protect her so bad. The truth would hurt. But lies hurt so much more.

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