Chapter Ninety One

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"I have ta go after 'er!" Daryl snapped at Rick.

"No, we stay here and wait for her and Ariana to come back. She's tough, she'll be fine." Rick replied calmly.

Daryl shook his head and began to pace around the room. He felt angry, he felt sad, he felt fustrated.

How could she be so stupid? Just to take off like that? Yeah she was going after Beth but what if she doesn't come back?

He felt a hand rest on his back and he relaxed.

"She'll be fine." Ellie whispered.

He tensed up again and clenched his fist and turned around quickly causing Ellie to flinch.

"Ye don't know tha'! Fer all we know she could be bit! Or..Or...In a ditch slowly dyin'. Ye don't know nothin'." He paused and turned around to look at the rest of the group. His eyes landed on Maggie who was in Glenn's embrace, tears falling down her face. "Unlike any of ye 'm gonna do somethin'." He said as he reached for his crossbow and walked out of the church.

Nobody tried to stop him, not even Merle. They knew it would be pointless. He wouldn't listen he'd just go anyway.

"I'm coming with ya baby brotha." Merle says walking beside Daryl.

Daryl looked at his brother and nodded his head.


They turned around and Merle sighed whilst Daryl quickly shook his head.


"Please let me come."

"Yer hurt."

"I walked over here without falling didn't I?" Lauren argued.

"More like limped...You'll just slow us down." Merle said.

Lauren put a hand in her hair and gently grabbed it in fustrstion.

"Sam has helped me, I want to help her. Please! I promise I won't slow you down or do anything stupid! PLEASE!" She begged.

The Dixon brothers looked eachother. Merle shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine. But ye better keep up." Daryl warned.

Lauren smiled and quickly nodded her head.

The trio walked away from the church and walked down the empty road. They came across an abandoned car.

Daryl checked to see if it would start and to see how much gas was in the tank. Surprisingly it was a full tank and the car worked perfectly.

Merle got in the front with Daryl and Lauren climbed into the back and rested her back against the door as she rested her legs on the seat.

Daryl started the car, starting their journey to find Sam, Ariana and Beth and bring them home...Little did they know they would be bringing someone else home too.

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