Chapter Forty Four

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Daryl's POV

Everyone was runnin' in different directions. I managed to see Ellie run back into the prison with Lori, Carl and Maggie.

A walker slowly made it's way over ta me. I aimed my crossbow up and shot an arrow straight through it's head. I quickly walk over to it and pull my arrow out, the arrow is stuck. I let out an annoyed grunt and press my foot on the walkers head and give it a quick yank.

I don't bother wiping it, instead I reload my crossbow with it.

There's not many walkers around here anymore, I look around and see no sign of Sam, but I do see Hershel and Beth locked up in a caged area.

I run over and take out a walker that's nearing them with my knife.

"Where's Sam?" I ask as I look around for any approaching walkers.

"She went that way." Beth says pointing behind me where I see a few walkers coming over.

"Shit." I hiss and run to where Sam went.

I stop in my tracks, my eyes go wide. There's walkers coming through the fence. The fence had collapsed. I take out as many walkers as I can with my crossbow and knife.

A walker creeps up behind me and I elbow it in the face and then turn around and stab it.

I turn back around and a walker catches me off guard and I fall to the ground wrestling with the walker. My crossbow falling next to me, out of reach, my knife still in my hand.

I manage to gather myself and I put my knife through the side of it's head and the rotten body falls limp on me.

The walkers surrounding me begin to shuffle away and I let out a sigh of relief, this is the only good use the walkers have.

I turn my head slightly and see something shining on the floor. I slowly reach my arm out and my fingers brush against it. I use my fingers to slide it closer and I manage to pick it up. Bringing it closer to my face I notice it's Sam locket..With little specks of blood on it.

"No..." I whisper.

She can't be dead. She's stronger than this. She ain't one of them.

Shoving the walker off of me I quickly jump up, attracting a few walkers.

I ignore them as I quickly grab my crossbow and run inside the door that's open, a few walkers stumble around and some are banging against a cell.

I quickly shut the door and grab a chair and push it under the handle.

Aiming my crossbow I shoot the walker that is approaching me. I walk over to it and pull my arrow out.

I run around stabbing the walkers in the head and then I turn my attenion to the cell.

I carefully kill each walker and as I put the last one down I turn my head and my eyes lock on to a figure laying on the floor, blood on her head.

"Sam.." I whisper.

I wrap my crossbow around my body and let it rest againt my back and put my knife back in it's holder.

I try to open the door but it won't move. I notice she tied her belt around the bars.

Smart girl.

But what if she's done that because she's bit?

No..Don't think like that. She's fine...It's just a bump on the head.

I reach for my knife and cut through the belt, once it's cut through I open the door and put my knife back.

I walk into the cell and pick Sam up bridal style. The way she's limp, like a rag doll..It hurts me. What if she's dead? She's like my little sister...Merle would kick my ass if he was here for letting something happen to her...Shane...He would kill me...

I feel my heart break as I carry her to the door. Kicking the chair away and pushing the door open...Strange there's no walkers around.

I walk round the corner and everyone is stood there, except Carl, Maggie and Lori.

Tears fall from my eyes, I can't stop them. I see her chest rise and fall but it still breaks me to see her like this.

I walk closer to everyone and their attention turns to me.

Beth falls to her knees sobbing, Glenn kneels down next to her.

"Is...Is she dead...?" Rick asks trying not to cry.

"She's barely breathing. I know she ain't bit..But she hit 'er 'ead." I croak out.

"Get her inside, leave her any longer and she might die." Hershel says quickly hopping inside, followed by everyone except Riley, Gavin, Ariana, Glenn and Beth. She is still sobbing and hasn't moved.

"We'll sort the fence out." Glenn says as I walk inside.

I hear the cries of pain and walk past Lori's cell and see Rick holding her hand and Maggie looking down at Lori's...Yeah.

"Just one more push." She encourages.

But soon I hear nothing as I walk into Sam's cell and lay her down and Hershel inspects her.

All I hear is my breathing and all I see is Sam.

She'll be fine.

It's just a bump to the head.

That's all it is...

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