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*Golde's apartment*

I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. I brushed my teeth. I didn't bother with brushing my hair. I decided that all day I was going to have bed hair. It wasn't that bad anyway. It was just a bit messy and tangled.

My phone buzzed. I unlocked it.

Mornin' city girl. My mom made muffins for breakfast. Want one?

Free food? Let me think... Yes!

I changed into a pair of ripped tights, blue jean shorts, white tank top that had a wolf on it, black and white plaid flannel and a pair of black combat boots.

I went to my room and put on my bracelets. I grabbed my skateboard and bag. With one last look in the mirror, I went to the kitchen.

Liam and Abby were eating cereal for breakfast. Liam looked at me and grinned widely. "Guess who has an internship at Microsoft?"

I tapped my chin. "Hmmm... Let me think.... Well, it can't be you because they only give internships to smart and talented people..."

Liam glared at me. "Hey!"

I smiled at him. "I'm proud of you."

He grinned. "And if they like me, they'll give me a job. That means I'll get paid a lot. Which means I can get us a new place to live."

I frowned a little. "But I like it here."

He gave me a look. "You like it here because of Lucas."

I glared at him. "No! It's just that moving everything is so much work! Can't you just pay people to redo our apartment and kick..." I glanced over at Abby. "You know who out?"

Abby frowned. "Voldemort?"

I smiled at her. "I love you." Abby grinned and went back to her cereal.

"We'll see." Liam said as he cleaned up. "I have to get the job first."

"Fingers crossed." I held up both of my hands and crossed my fingers.

Liam smiled. "Now get to school."

I sighed heavily. "Okay..."
I kissed Abby's cheek and pat Liam's head.

"Bye Andy  Dandy!" Abby grinned.

I chuckled. "Bye Abby Labby." I walked out of the apartment and went to the elevator.

It opened and was greeted by Lucas. "Mornin City girl." He tipped his invisible hat.

I walked in. "Howdy Sheriff Shepard." I smirked as I remembered when Lucas told us about how he rode a sheep once.

Lucas rolled his eyes and held up a muffin. "Here's your muffin."

"Thanks Ranger Rick." I ripped off the muffin top and smiled.

He gave me a weird look. "You only eat the top?" I nodded as I ate a small piece of the top. "I'm not going to question it."

"Wise choice Yeehaw."

"Will you ever stop calling me names?" He questioned.

"Nope." I smiled sweetly.

He sighed. "I didn't think so."

*John Quincy Adams Middle School history class*

Cory was holding a present. It was nicely wrapped. I wanted it. But of course I wasn't going to show that I wanted it. Unlike Riley who looked like she was going to explode.

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