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"Andy, can we please talk about this?" Lucas begged.

I glared at him, "I said no."

"Andy, they are bullying you." Lucas whispered.

I just shrugged, "I've gotten worse."

"Andy, this is serious." Lucas said sternly. "If you don't tell someone about this, I will."

I growled lowly, "if you tell anyone. I will never speak to you again."

"Maybe that's something I'll have to live with." Lucas grumbled to himself, probably didn't think I would hear. But I did.

I turned to him, "look. I appreciate that you care and that you stood up for me, but I don't want you involved in this-"

"It's a little too late, don't you think?" Lucas questioned angrily.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "do you really want to go back to being the Texas version of you? Because the cowboy I saw that day, was not the one I met on the subway."

"I'm not going to turn into Texas Lucas." He said with confidence. "I want to help you fix this."

"You want to fix this?" I questioned, "then make Missy and her brother change schools or states. Make me not related to them." I paused for a few seconds, "there's nothing to do. I can handle this. I'm tough remember?"

Lucas cracked a smile, "I know your tough. But that doesn't mean you have to face things by yourself."

"Fine, if they make things worse, I'll tell Daniel and Liam okay?" I questioned.

He let out a sigh and nodded, "fine. But if I see something I don't like... I'm telling them myself."

*John Quincy Adams Middle School Hallway*

Riley shut her locker and grinned happily. "Y'know what I like? Life. And I like it when it doesn't change. We should sing our happy song."

Maya looked at her. "We don't have a happy song."

"We should have a happy song." Riley suggested.

Maya stared at her. "We will never have a happy song."

Riley's smile didn't falter. "Not with that attitude."

"I'll help you write a happy song, Riley." Brandon smiled.

I elbowed his arm, "don't encourage her."

"It'll be fun." Brandon pushed on.

The bell rang and we all went to class. "So you don't want anything to change?" Maya asked Riley as we sat down in our seats.

Riley shook her head. "No, I don't like change. Change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty." This made me laugh.

"Hi Brandon," Missy smiled at him sweetly.

"Hi." Brandon said in uncertainly as he sat down in the seat behind Farkle.

Cory smiled at the class happily. "All right. So should we actually learn about what happened in Belgium in 1831?"

"No!" Farkle burst suddenly causing me to jump. To think that I'd be used to this by now. 

Cory stared at him strangely. "No?"

"I always get my hopes up and then something happens to hurt my little Farkle heart." Farkle gripped his desk tightly. "Well, this time I refuse to believe!"" Farkle growled.

Cory smiled slightly and continued, "In 1831..."

Farkle grinned his Farkle grin. "Yes? Wait!" He looked at Riley. "Anything going to suddenly happen to you?"

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