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I hate hospitals. I hate hospitals. I hate hospitals. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I've been awake for two days. I wanted to leave and I wanted to leave now. The bed felt like I was laying on a very firm memory foam. And let me tell you this, I do not understand why people loved memory foam. I hated memory foam, they were way too uncomfortable.

Hospital food was disgusting. I was trying to heal, not die from all of the disgusting food the nurses tried to feed me. Luckily, Liam would bring me food when he visited. He visited me during his lunch break. He brought me a mouth watering bowl of fruit. It made the hospital food cry in shame.

I was watching The Walking Dead on the TV. I loved this TV show so much. I loved how much gore is had. Maya and Riley would never watch it with me. The only season I was able to get them to watch was season two. Although, Riley almost threw up when that walker tore in half and its guts fell into the well.

There was a knock on the door, then it opened. Brandon walked in, holding a cup of pink lemonade, and a white paper bag. "Hey," he smiled at me.

"Hey," I smiled back.

He pulled a chair up next to me and sat down after putting the drink and paper bag onto the small table connected to my bed. He took his backpack off and set it down next to him. "I brought food." He told me as he pulled out some fries and a fruit bowl from the paper bag. "I know hospital food is disgusting."

I smiled gratefully, "thanks Brandon."

He opened the fruit bowl. It contained strawberries, blue berries, raspberries and watermelon. "I thought you'd like some fruit, and of course I got pink lemonade."

I ate a blue berry. "Can't go a day without pink lemonade, unless I'm knocked out cold."

"I also got you this." He opened his backpack and pulled out a small square box. "I was going to get flowers, but you hate flowers. So I got this instead." He handed me the grey box.

I looked at him, "you didn't have to get me anything."

"Think of it as a get well soon gift." He smiled before eating some French fries.

I took the lid off the box. Inside was a string bookmark with a small charm on it. I picked it up and looked at the charm. It was in the shape of a circle, and carved inside were the words, 'one day at a time'.

"Do you like it?" Brandon asked. "I saw it and thought of you."

"Love it." I smiled at him, "thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

I put the bookmark back into the bow and set it on the table. "I'll use it as a bookmark in my journal once I get back home."

Brandon turned his attention to the TV. "Dude, I love the Walking Dead."

"Right!" I grinned. "It's one of my favorite shows. That and The Flash."

"The Flash is amazing." Brandon said. "Although, I like Arrow more."

I frowned, "I haven't watched it."

His eyes widen, "what?! The Green Arrow is the best!"

"I mean, he is pretty cool. But I've only seen him when he's on the Flash." I told him.

"You have to start watching Arrow. "

I let out a chuckle, "okay. I'll watch it when I get out of here."

"Good." He smiled widely.

I looked at the TV to see that The Amazing Spiderman was coming up next. I grinned widely, "yes! Peter Parker is my boyfriend."

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