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*John Quincy Adams Middle School hallway*

It was time for lunch, I was at my locker putting my books away. Maya and Riley were nowhere to be seen. I told them I would catch up to them, so they were probably already in the cafeteria. I shut my locker and saw Brandon leaning against the lockers next to me.

I looked at him, "you know. Every time you hide behind my locker, you give me a mini heart attack."

"In a good way?" Brandon asked with a small smile.

"Heart attacks aren't usually a good thing." I told him. "So no, not in a good way."

He chuckled a little, "anyway you going to the cafeteria?"

I nodded, "yeah unless the pink bulldozer is there."

"You shouldn't-"

Brandon was cut off by Lucas walking over. "Andy, I need your help."

I raised an eyebrow, "with?"

"Missy," he replied. "What if she tries to show me her leg again?"

Brandon's eyes widen, "wait what?"

"Long story," Lucas told him. "Andy what am I going to do?"

"Tell her you're with Riley." I told him.

"But I'm not." Lucas said, I could see a flicker of sadness in his eyes. I still didn't understand why he played with my feelings the way he did. I mean, he didn't know what he was feeling so I guess I get it. I just wished we weren't in this situation.

"Then ask Riley to be your girlfriend dude." Brandon nudged Lucas with his elbow. "If you like someone, you have to tell them. If you want to be with someone," Brandon's eyes shifted to me. "You have to take the leap of faith and hope they want to be with you too."

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked at Lucas. "Riley likes you, you like her. You guys kissed. You need to talk about it. It doesn't matter whether you guys end up together or not, as long as you guys just talk about it."

Lucas sighed, "fine. I'll try to talk to her. But can you just come with me to the cafeteria? I'm afraid Missy might snatch me away."

I rolled my eyes, "not so tough are ya cowboy." I walked away to headed towards the cafeteria with Brandon and Lucas following me.

The three of us got out food, and walked to the table Riley, Maya, Lydia, and Farkle were sitting at. I didn't know why I buy the food here, I always end up giving it to the others or throwing it away. As we walked by Missy and some guy, I tripped over something and fell on my hands and knees. My tray of food exploded all over the floor and on me. The cafeteria filled with laughter.

"Oops, sorry Andy." Missy let out a giggle, "I didn't see you."

I got up and growled at her. "You are so dead!" I was about to pounce onto her, but Brandon and Lucas stopped me.

"Andy, don't." Lucas told me.

"She's not worth it." Brandon slowly pulled me away from Lucas as well.

The guy Missy was with stood up. "Sorry about my sister's behavior, she can be a bit rude sometimes."

"Sister?" I questioned in shock.

"She tripped Andy on purpose!" Maya exclaimed, "Matthews! You saw that didn't you?"

Cory was on lunch duty today. He was busy eating a cup of noodles by the microwave, but there was no doubt he didn't see what had just happened. He walked over and looked at Missy in disappointment. "Detention tomorrow with me Miss Bradford."

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