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//Hey guys, I'm glad so many of you like my fanfic(: I wanted to dedicate a whole chapter or two to focus on Andy. I wanted to write more about her. I hop that's okay with you guys. Enjoy(: //

*Golde's Apartment*

"You ungrateful child!" Mother yelled at me as she forcefully shoved me to the ground. "Do you know how hard I work for you and your siblings?!"

I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "You don't do anything!" I yelled at her. "Liam is the one who does all the hard work! All you do is lay around drowning yourself with alcohol!"

Mother drew her foot back and kicked me in the stomach. "Shut up! This is your fault! You're the reason why our home is being taken away!"

I pushed myself off from the floor. "How is it my fault?" I questioned.

"You're so needy!" Mother spat bitterly. "You cry out for attention! You crave attention!"

I glared at her. "I do not!"

"Yes you do!" Mother yelled. "Because of you we are going to be homeless!"

Liam walked in with Daniel, Topanga, and a police officer. What was going on?

"Liam, what's going on?" I asked him.

"Topanga is helping me get full legal custody of you and Abby." Liam informed me. "

"What?!" Mother yelled in outrage. Liam will finally have custody of Abby and I. Mother will no longer have custody over us.

"Maddison," Topanga said calmly. "Please calm down. We need to go over some paperwork," she pat her briefcase.

"I'm not signing anything." Mother said an anger.

"Ma'am." The officer said. "Please be civil about this or we will have to bring it to court."

"Fine!" Mother yelled. "Take me to court! I'm not giving my custody up!"

I looked at Topanga. "You're going to help us right?"

She smiled at me. "Of course I will honey." She turned to Mother. "Until it is time to go to court, Andrea, Abigail and Liam will living with Daniel Roeman."

"What?!" Mother questioned in rage.

"You will also be on house arrest due to your aggressive behavior." Topanga said calmly. How does she do it? Stay so calm...

"This is bullsh it!" Mother exclaimed.

"Ma'am, please hold out your wrist so I can put this tracker on you." The officer said holding up a black bracelet tracker.

"I'm not doing anything." Mother growled.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." The officer stepped forward.

Mother grabbed me and somehow held a switch blade to my neck.

"Andy!" Liam yelled.

Mother tightened her grip. "If you touch me, I will kill her."

Tears formed in my eyes. "Liam. Do something," I begged. I felt the sharp blade of the knife touch my neck. I tried not to move.

The officer pointed his gun at Mother. "Put the knife down." My whole body was shaking. Hot tears started to fall.

"I am not on house arrest." Mother growled. I could smell her horrid breath. "Let me go and I'll let her go."

"Maddison." Topanga said. "I know you. You would never hurt your own daughter."

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