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I sat down on the ground and leaned back against a wall. Sighing, I closed my eyes. Why did I let this get to me? I don't understand why this was happening.

"Hey Andy."

I opened my eyes and smiled a little. "Hey." I pat the spot next to me.

He obeyed and sat next to me. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know to be honest." I replied, "I just wanted to get away for awhile you know?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Do you want to talk about it?"

I studied his face, he looked worried. "I think- I just... It's stupid. I don't know why I'm letting this bother me. It shouldn't." I started playing with my bracelets.

"It's okay." He told me. "Just say what's on your mind. Don't think, just talk."

"Lucas and I kissed." I blurted out. Right when I said it, I looked away.

After a few seconds, he asked, "when?"

"A few weeks ago." I looked back at him. I couldn't read his facial expressions. "I was having a bad day and he came to make sure I was okay. I don't even know how it happened. We were just talking, then the next thing I knew was we were kissing."

"Do you like him?" He asked quietly.

"I just want to be friends with him." I replied. "I don't want to do the whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing. Besides, Riley likes him. Ever since the day we met him."

"Have you talked to him about it?"

I nodded slightly. "Yeah. We talked about it before I went here. He told me..." I looked down at my lap. "He told me he liked me and wanted to ask me out. But he asked Riley instead. I'm not upset."

"It's okay to be upset."

I looked at him, "I'm not. I don't want to be. Lucas and I are friends. That's all we're going to be. No more, no less."

He nodded, "okay. What about Brandon? You guys went on a date."

I bit the inside of my cheek. "I don't know. I don't know anything! Tell me what to do!"

"If you like Brandon, then tell him. If you're still not sure, wait it out. I don't want you getting hurt."

I sighed and rest my head on his shoulder. "Things are changing."

"They are." He agreed. "Whatever you choose to do, I'll support you. I just want you to be happy."

I smiled a little. "Thank you Farkle. You're an amazing friend."


*Riley's bedroom*

I climbed through the bay window and sat down next to Riley. She was smiling while playing with a yellow flower. Maya was next to her staring at her, not knowing what to do.

"How you doin'?" I asked her with a small smile.

She looked at me dreamily. "Do you ever look at a flower and wonder if you'll bloom into a beautiful flower too?"

"You are a little flower, Riley." I chuckled a little.

"Why are being way more cheesy and gross than usual?" Maya questioned, "is it because of Huckleberry?"

"Lucas." Riley corrected.

"You really like him." I said.

Riley smiled at me, "yeah. Has he talked about me?"

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