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"FREEDOM!!!" I exclaimed as Liam pushed me out of the hospital. The Doctor told me I had to sit in a wheelchair whenever I want to move around. I tried pushing myself, but I ended up hurting myself because my rib was still healing. "Oh my god, I have never been so happy to be outside." I groaned loudly.

Liam laughed at me, "you want to get some frozen yogurt before we go home?"

"Yeah!" Abby exclaimed in excitement, "I want frozen yogurt with brownies and hot fudge and sprinkles and gummy bears and peanuts and cookie dough and marshmallows and -"

"Okay, no frozen yogurt for you." Liam told her, "you're already too hyper."

Abby pouted, using her puppy eyes. "But I want some..."

"You can't say no to that face." I squished Abby's face between my hands.

Liam let out a sigh, "alright. But you're limited to only two toppings. I don't want you running around like an animal." He told Abby sternly.

Abby grinned widely, "yay!"


When we got home, Liam opened the door while Abby slowly pushed me inside. I laughed at her, "am I heavy Abby?"

"Yes!" Abby groaned.

I looked up to see my friends in the living room grinning like mad people. "Hey guys." I smiled at them.

"Welcome home!" Riley cheered and popped a popper.

Liam groaned, "now you have to clean that up."

"Oh come on, Mister Boing." Maya smiled at him. "It's just one popper." She held up another popper. "Two." She smiled as she pulled the string of the popper. Confetti flew out of the popper, scattering all over the floor.

"Why do I even try?" Liam sighed and went to the kitchen.

"How are you feeling, Andy?" Farkle asked me as he pushed me towards the middle of the living room.

"I'm just glad I'm not in the hospital anymore." I let out a heavy sigh. "But I bet I can beat you guys racing down the hallway."

"No racing!" Liam exclaimed.

I groaned, "you're no fun."

"It's my job." He sent me a smile.

"Fun sponge!" I whined. "I want to do something."

"What do you want to do?" Riley asked with a smile. "Do you want to watch something? Play a board game?"

Brandon cut in, "how about video games?"

"No!" Lydia shot Brandon a glare. "Last time I played video games with Andy, she got really aggressive about it."

I barked up a laugh, "no I didn't."

Maya raised an eyebrow, "what game?"

"Mario Cart..." I muttered.

"Never play Mario Cart with Andy." Farkle said with wide eyes, "never. I said never!"

I crossed my arms over my chest lightly and frowned at my friends. "I just really get into the game."

"Way too into the game." Riley said blankly.

"Fine, let's just sit here bored to death." I threw my head back and groaned loudly.

"Don't be so dramatic." Liam rolled his eyes at me. "You are on a lot of pain meds right now, so you can't do anything until your rib is healed."

"It's going to take forever!" I whined.

"You're on bed rest." Daniel walked in through the front door. "Doctor's orders." He handed Liam a small white paper bag. "I picked up Andy's meds."

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