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*Bay window*

Riley, Maya, Lydia and I were sitting at the bay window. Why? I had no idea. I was starting to get nervous. "Why are we here?" I asked.

"Two reasons," Riley replied. "One, I want you to stop looking for James. Two, what's going on between you and Brandon?"

"Why does this have to be about me?" I questioned. "Why can't this be about you and Lucas?"

Riley looked at me and frowned. "Why me and Lucas?"

Lucas and Farkle appeared and climbed through the window. "Speaking of which..." Lydia muttered.

Riley and Lucas looked at each other. "Hi." Riley smiled at him.

"Hi." Lucas smiled back.

"Hey." Riley said to him.

"Hey." Lucas said back.

"This is painful to watch." Maya cringed.

Lydia stared at Riley and Lucas. "But I can't look away."

I got up and sat down on Riley's bed. "You guys have to talk about it."

"Andy's right." Lucas said to Riley.

Riley smiled at him, "hi."

Lucas smiled, "hi."

I groaned, "you two are hopeless." I fell back onto the bed.

Farkle spoke up, "so what are we going to do about Andy and James?"

I sighed heavily, "you guys don't have to worry. I gave up on looking for him."

"Why exactly?" Lydia questioned.

I slid off the bed and onto the floor. "There are over 8 million people here in this city. The chances of finding him are... Well less than one in 8 million."

"But don't you want answers?" Maya asked me.

"I do, but I don't think I'm ready for them." I admitted, "not yet."

"Okay, now we can move on from this." Farkle said. "Andy isn't ready. We don't have to keep arguing whether or not she should see James."

"Yeah, we have other problems to talk about." I said, "like those two." I looked at Riley and Lucas.

"What's going on between you and Brandon?" Riley asked changing the subject. "You guys are spending more time together."

"We're just friends." I told her.

"If you say so." Lydia sang.

I stood up, "you know what we should do? We should go to the beach. Let's not worry about these dumb problems and just have fun. I want to sit on the beach and read. Maybe even draw or write because I haven't been doing much of that lately. You guys can go swimming."

"You're not going to swim?" Maya asked.

I shook my head. "I don't swim."

"No arguing." Lydia stood up. "Everyone is going to go home and get ready. We'll all meet at the subway in an hour. Now go."

"Pushy." Maya smiled at her.


Why did I say we should go to the beach? It was way too hot to be outside. The sun is killing me, slowly but surely. Who would willingly go outside? Crazy people. That's who.

I put on a black bikini because I knew Lydia was going to some how get me to go swimming. I put on a pair of jean shorts that stopped right above my knees and a grey tank top. I put on my white converse. I grabbed my back pack that had a towel, sun screen, camera, pens and my journal.

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