❁long game

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"Four, five, six," Cory moved his piece. "And as usual I will choose the fatherhood path. Bing, bing, bing, bing." He picked up a pink card. "And the pink square means I get a daughter." He grinned happily as he held up a pink card that said daughter on it.

Lucas looked at him. "Actually sir, Farkle and I already own that square."

Cory frowned at him. "So?" 

"So, your daughter's ours." Lucas said. Riley started to smile.

Cory stared at him. "Excuse me."

"Let him talk." Riley said through her smile.

"According to the game, we get your daughter." Lucas informed Cory. Riley got up to pounce onto Lucas and Farkle, but Topanga held her back.

Cory looked at Josh. "Josh!"

Josh grinned as he pat Lucas and Farkle on the back. "She's not Riley Matthews anymore, my brother. She's now Mrs. Dr. Howdy Turtleneck."

Cory grumbled as he held his card out to Lucas. Lucas grabbed it and tried to take it, but Cory kept a firm grip on it. "Uh, sir, you're holding on a little tight. You really need to let go, sir." Lucas tugged at the card causing it to rip in half.

Cory gasped. "You killed my daughter!"

"My turn." Ava exclaimed. "I pick six."

Topanga looked at her. Her smile showed that she wanted to pounce onto Ava. "Uh, Ava you need to roll the dice."

Ava ignored Topanga and moved her piece. "One, two, three four five six."

Topanga turned to Josh. "Josh, objection."

Josh smiled a little. "I'm going to allow it."

"Why?" Topanga questioned in frustration.

Josh chuckled. "Because she cracks me up."

"I get a Make your own luck card." Ava grabbed a blue card and read it aloud. "Take over someone's family business. Choose one player to send back to start." Ava started pointing at each of us. "I choose Hmm One Topanga, two Topanga, three Topanga, four. Five Topanga, six Topanga, seven Topanga, or Topanga! Wee!" Ava picked up Topanga's game piece and moved it to the start. "Poom!" I started laughing at her, but then stopped. Grrr... She made me laugh. 

Topanga frowned bitterly. "This stinks."

Auggie sighed. "This had to be done, mommy."

Topanga smiled at him. "It's okay, my love bug. Luckily, my team always wins." Riley took her turn. "And my teammate has a turn, and I'm sure she's going to use it to help me. Right, Riley? Sweetheart?"

Riley looked at Topanga with a small smile. "Mom, I really hate to do this but I have a go to Europe with a friend card. And you're all the way back there. And I've never been to Europe."

"I want to go to Europe." Ava said to Auggie.

Auggie groaned in frustration. "Get off my back!" Why did Auggie put up with her? I had no idea. 

Topanga frowned at Riley. "Wait, you're leaving me?"

"Mom, it is not personal, I just got this card and-" 

Topanga cut Riley off. "Wait, you're leaving me?"

Cory grinned happily. "Here it comes."

"I am your mother." Topanga said. Here we go. "I have your absolute love and loyalty. What do you think you're talking to him?" She pointed at Cory.

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