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*John Quincy Adams classroom*

Cory wrote a quote on the chalkboard. 'The Times, They are a-changin'

He seemed really excited. Everyone else was dead. I was bored out of my mind. "The '60s, man. Influential musicians like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez Playing guitars and singing like prophets. The times, they were a-changin'."

"The class, they are a-sleepin'." Farkle retorted. I let out a small laugh.

"It's not your fault, dad." Riley said with a small smile.

"It's just the stuff you're saying." I continued.

"I'm talking about the '60s, man." Cory said in excitement.

Riley looked at him. "Nobody cares about when you were our age." I covered my mouth as an attempt to cover my laugh. I failed miserably.

Cory gave her an offended look. "Riley, it was over 50 years ago. How old do you guys think I am?"

Lucas spoke up. "There's no right answer to this, sir."

"You should teach us future class, you know, give us something we could use." Maya said.

"Listen, dad, you're doing a wonderful job up there and we're very happy that you're all jazzed up." Riley tried to be nice.

I cut in. "But history has nothing to do with us."

Cory held up a piece of chalk. "I'm gonna snap this chalk now."

"Uh-oh." Lucas said.

"Snap." Cory said as he snapped the piece of chalk in half. "What did you guys do yesterday?"

"I think I had grapes." Riley answered with a smile.

"Do you know what yesterday was?" Cory questioned.

Riley grinned. "Grapes day." I chuckled at her. Oh Riles. You little adorable cinnamon roll. 

"It's history." Cory corrected. "Every decision you make every day, every time you decide to turn left instead of right, you make history and you affect someone else's." Cory began to walk around. "And if you refuse to learn that, I guarantee you, you guys will not become the best person you can be. Because history is all about missed opportunities. 'History has nothing to do with us,' wasn't it, Ms. Golde?"

I shrugged. "Can't remember, it was like five minutes ago." I leaned back in my chair.

Cory sighed. "Fine. I am not gonna teach you guys about the '60s."

"Yay." We all cheered.

Cory pointed at the class. "You are."  We all groaned. Except for Farkle. As always. "History is alive even if you weren't. But now you're gonna be. You will visit the 1960s and give a report."

Farkl grinned widely. "Time travel."

"How do we do that, dad?" Riley asked. "We weren't there."

Cory shook his head. "You were."

"How?" I questioned curiously.

"You all have grandparents or great-grandparents." He said. "Choose one who was around during that time. Learn all you can about them and report back. Then we'll see if history has nothing to do with us. Living history Now I'm all jazzed up." We all groaned again, while Farkle said yay.

*1961 Café Hey*

Ariana sat down at an empty table with her journal. She opened her leather journal and read over a poem she wrote. She was going to recite it to everyone and she wanted it to be perfect.

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