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I stepped out onto the edge of the roof. I could see the whole world moving around below me. Everything was so... small. Everyone walking down the street looked so tiny from all the way up here. If I fell it wouldn't effect them. They would just carry on with their lives.

"Are you going to jump?"

I turned around and saw Brandon. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Why weren't you at school today?" He questioned.

I hopped off the ledge of the roof and leaned back against it. "Wasn't feeling good."

"Wasn't feeling good?" He questioned.

Sighing, I turned away from him. "Are you going to lecture me? Because Lydia beat you to it."

Brandon walked up next to me, "don't shut me out. If something's wrong, tell me."

"Why does something have to be wrong?" I asked him, "why can't I just stay home because I'm not feeling well? Why can't I just want to be alone for awhile?"

"You've been acting weird lately."

"I'm always acting weird." I didn't look at him. I looked down at the city below us.

"More than usual. Is it because of that Missy girl?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I couldn't care less about Missy."

"Then what is it Andy?" Brandon made me look at him. "Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what I can do to make things better."

I backed away from him, "there's nothing to do because there's nothing wrong. I don't care anymore."

"Don't care about what?"

I turned away from him, "everything. We're in the 7th grade, none of this will matter when we're all adults living our lives."

Brandon took a step closer to me, "then we might as well enjoy it while it lasts. And if we mess it up, who cares?"

I looked at him, "you're right."


*John Quincy Adams Middle School Hallway*

I was outside of the school, there wasn't that many students out here. I saw Missy with her friends, they were laughing and gossiping. I marched up to them. Missy looked at me in disgust, "what do you want?"

"I know you know who's been messing with me." I said to her, "so you're going to tell me." I stepped closer to her. "Right now."

Missy let out an uneasy laugh, "you're right. I do know who stole your journal and who's been texting you."

"So are you going to tell me or do I have to make you tell me?" I questioned.

Missy smirked, "you won't hurt me."

"Try me." I growled.

Missy held up a piece of paper, it had a copy of a page from my journal. "If you touch me, everyone is going to find out what happened between you and Lucas."

"I don't care." I told her.

"Even if it means your only friends will hate you?" Missy questioned with a pouty face.

"You're pathetic, Missy." I laughed coldly. "You think just because your parents spoil you, you can do what ever you want."

Missy smirked again, "you know. I have two other siblings. Well, half siblings." She took her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it. "Maybe you know them." She held up her phone, showing me a picture of her, Jackson, a little boy and girl. I recognized the girl. It was Emily.

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