Chapter Seven : "Stuck"

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 Allison's P.O.V

 Ben looked at me like I'm just a little girl trying to fight my way in the world. If only I could show him what Maggie's been teaching me these past week , I could change his mind. I know he's been through a lot , and he's this great fighter that everyone talks about , but what about me? It's not fair for him to look down on me.

 Captain Weaver said that after the meeting , I should go to the artillery to get my guns and jacket. This is my chance , I'll get Cody back and nothing can stop me from doing that. I was walking back to the bus when Ben walked past me , "Hey Ben!" I called out to him but he didn't say anything , he just continued walking and ignored me completely.

 "What happened?" Lourdes asked as soon as I got back.

 "He assigned me as a soldier" I told her and then she said "Well, that's good but always take care" and then smiled at me.

 "I'm kind of scared and excited at the same time" I told her.

 "So who's your partner?" Matt asked.

 "Your brother" I told him and then he looked at his Dad who's still lying on the bed talking to Dr. Glass.

 "Dad! Allison is Ben's new partner" he said and then Mr. Mason looked at me and said "Oh really? Well he's a good boy , he'll protect you"

 "I really hope you're right" I thought to myself. Ben is quite unpredictable , it's hard to know if he likes you or not or what's his mood is.


Ben's P.O.V

 What came into his mind? Why would he partner me with Allison? . I was walking towards Jimmy's tent to ask him if he like the shuffle.

 "Hey! Coat hanger!" I turned around and saw Pope calling out to me.

 "You don't wanna try me right now Pope, trust me" I said and then continued walking , trying my best to ignore his taunting.

 "Hey Jimmy" I said as soon as I entered his tent. I found him reading a manga , I looked to it's title and it says "The World God Only Knows".

 "You're reading Manga?" I asked and then sat at one of the chairs.

 "Yeah , there's no comics these days" he then said and added "You love Mangas right? I have 3 others in here" then showed the 3 other books he's hiding under his bed.

 "I'll check them out later. I came here to ask you something?"


 "Do you agree with Captain Weaver? He signed you to Tector"

 "Not really .. but it's for the best. Tector's a good fighter, we'll do better in fighting with him around" he said and then asked "Why are you making a big thing out of it?"

 "Why not? He signed me witha girl we just met a little over a week ago"

 "Ben , you have to understand that we're fighitng aliens than can kill us if we let them to".

 "I know"

 "Why don't you like her anyway?" he then asked and closed the book he's reading. "What? I never said I don't like her"

 "Then why did you came here then if it's all okay with you?"

 "What about the Skitter hunting? We must continue it , we must kill them"

 "It's still on, Ben. We can do it during the night when people are busy doing something else. Don't think too much , who knows maybe she's a good shooter"

 "I don't think you understand where I'm coming from , Jimmy"

 "Then make me"

 "Whenever we go on mission , there's a chance that we'll never come back. I don't want her to meet that kind of fate"

 "Ben ... as long as the aliens are here, no one's safe. I know you hate them .. I hate them too .. but don't you think it's a little stupid that your problem is having a girl as a partner?".

 "Fine ... I'll give her a week. But if she's a hot mess then you're gonna come with me to Captain Weaver and have her reassigned to someone else" I said and then stood up.

 "Okay .. but I think you just like her a lot" he then teased.

 "No I don't" I replied and then walked out of the tent. The truth is , I'm not sure. She's something different , whenever she looks at me , I feel a little better. And I can't explain why , but I really really want to protect her , I want her to be safe .. to be far from danger.


Allison's P.O.V

 I never got to saw Ben for the rest of the day , I asked Jimmy but he said he must have gone to somewhere quiet to think of things. I hope I'm not one of them but it's quite obvious that I'll be on the top of that list.

 After Captain Weaver had a long talk with Mr. Mason , he called all soldiers to the meeting tent to discuss a new mission. "All right people, we're leaving this place tomorrow, that is final , no matter what happens we must leave this place and move on to somewhere safer. Tonight , we're going back to the city and get as many supplies as we can. We'll still do the normal routine , after the mission is completed a group will return to the camp with the supplies while the Berzerkers and the remaining soldiers will attract the enemies and kill as many aliens as we can. Understood?"

"Yes Sir!" we replied.

 "All right , move out" he then said and we all went to the vehicles. I was looking around for Ben but I still can't see him , then someone grabbed my arm. I looked to my side and saw Maggie with Hal.

 "So .. your first mission huh?" Hal said.

 "Yeah .. kinda scared but excited at the same time. Like first day of school" I told him and he laughed a bit.

 "Well, this is much better than school" Maggie said and as we got nearer to the truck, I saw Ben sitting at the back.

 "You should learn how to wait for your partner" I told him and then got up there.

 "Well, I'm not used to slow persons so you should just try to catch up with me" he then said and looked at me.

 "It's official .. he hates me" I thought to myself.


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