Chapter Twenty Six : "Rebel Madness"

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Allison's P.O.V

 I quickly removed my long sleeves and wrapped it around his wound to stop the bleeding. I had to tie it really hard since the pressure is not enough. As much as I wanted to go back to camp, I just can't leave him here. And what if there are skitters outside.

 The glowing of his spikes finally stopped. "Ben?" I tried to wake him up but to no avail , I checked his heartbeat and thankfully he still have it. "Please" I thought to myself , hopefully they saw the explosion all the way to the camp. I don't want Ben to die here.

 After several minutes , I heard the sound of trucks coming. They're here , I quickly laid Ben against the post and looked at the window. Hal is holding Rick's body and he put him on the back of the truck. I went out of the door and came into their view.

 "Allison? What the hell are you doing here?" Mr. Mason asked.

 "Come quick" I said and then ran inside back to Ben's side. I heard him gave an order to Hal .. something about bringing Rick back to the camp since he's injured.

 "What the hell?" Mr. Mason said as soon as he saw Ben lying in my lap. But he did stopped on his tracks when he saw a now conscious Red Eye on our side. "Don't move Allison , I'll shoot it".

 "Please Don't!" I said and then got up.

 "Get away from it Allison" Captain Weaver said. I have to protect him so I turned my body into a shield. "What the hell is the meaning of this Allison?"

 "He's a rebel skitter"

 "What kind of bullshit is this?" Captain Weaver asked.

 "It's true Captain , you have to believe me" I said and then Boon stepped forward , still pointing his gun at Red Eye.

 "Please don't shoot him , he's good"

 "The only good skitters are dead ones" he then said. Then suddenly Red Eye collapsed. "Shoot it now Boon" Captain Weaver ordered. I got down to my knees and begged them not to. "Please Mr. Mason don't do this" I pleaded.

 After a few moments , he agreed not to. "We'll bring him back to the camp" he told Captain Weaver. "Prisoner .. and also to ask him what does it know or what does it want"

 "What if it causes trouble?"

 "Then we'll have it your way" he said and thankfully, Mr. Mason agreed to him. "Alright , we'll bring it back" he then said and walked out.

 "Thank you" I told Mr. Mason as he carried his son.

 "Don't thank me Allison , you better have some proof it's  rebel or else we'll all be in trouble" he then said and we all walked out of the warehouse and returned to the camp.

 When we got back to the camp , Ben and Rick were immediately brought to the bus while Red Eye is still in the back of the truck. The people around us are furious that we brought back a skitter. "What's going on?" Dr. Glass asked.

 "It needs help" I told her.

 "I don't understand"

 "Please!" I said to her.

 "We don't have enough supplies for us"

 "Anne please , just do what you can. this needs to be alive" Mr. Mason said and then Dr. Glass nodded. "As for you Allison , we'll have talk" he then said to me.

 "Okay" I replied and we started walking to the meeting area. Suddenly Ben ran to us. "Why are you out of bed?" I asked him.

 "I'm okay now" he then said.

 "What's the meaning of this?" his Dad asked.

 "I'll tell you , Allison why don't you go back to the bus and be there for Rick. I'm sure he'll freak out if he finds out he's in 2nd Mass again" he then said and I nodded and ran to the bus.


 "We all saw your spikes glowing while you're passed out. Hal said he also saw your spikes glowing while on the mission. How long have this been happening?" Dad asked as soon as we got inside one of the tents.

 "Since Jimmy died"

 "Why didn't you tell us?"

 "I don't want you to see me as the enemy"

 "The enemy Ben? Never the enemy!"

 "I'm damaged and broken Dad!!"

 "I'm just concerned. Can't a concerned Dad help?!?!"

 "Then help me now!!"


 "Just believe in me .. please" I told him and then he's pacing back and forth. "Okay fine , tell me everything about these so called "Rebel Skitters" ".

 We then spent the next several minutes talking about the origin of the rebels and how long have they been around. "I know that skitter Ben , he almost killed me" Dad said and then got up and started to walk out of the tent.

 "ALMOST" I said to him and then added "He only did that to gain their trust. But now that he's out , they're gonna come for him".

 Suddenly , we heard screaming and shouting outside. We ran out of the tent and saw Captain Weaver along with some of the soldiers chasing Red Eye, he must have escaped his cage. "No!!" I shouted and then ran towards them.

 He was about to be shot when Rick came out of nowhere and shielded him. After Rick went down , Red Eye was able to escape by entering a building nearby and then jumping to the adjacent woods. "Rick!!" I got down to my knees and saw that he's really bleeding.

 "Convince your Dad, Ben . He's our only hope"

 "I will"

 "Promise me Ben"

 "I promise" I said and then he completely faded, he's dead. "I need to help him" I got up and started running outside only to be grabbed by Dad.

 "I need to help him! I need to!"

 "Ben please .. we need you" he then said to me.


Allison's P.O.V

 Several hours have passed since Red Eye escaped and Rick died , I think it's somewhere between 3:00 and 4:00 am. I helped Ben bury Rick's body since no one else wants to.

 "We're gonna be fine Ben" I told him.

 "Uhh , I think I have to go soon"

 "Where are you going?" I asked him.

 "After Red Eye. He's right , this is our chance to kill them"

 "Then let me come after you" I told him. After what happened today and Cody's situation right now , I set my sights on just one main goal - and that is to kill all the enemies. And there's no place I'd rather do it than his side.

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