Chapter Nine : "On Second Thought"

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 When I opened my eyes, I saw Hal , Matt , and Dad all looking down at me. "How do you feel?" Matt asked me.

 "Dizzy but other than that .. I'm fine" I replied.

 "Anne said you had a concussion and Tector said that you got it because you protected Allison from the falling wall" Dad then said.

 Suddenly I remembered Allison , I tried to sit but my vision started to be a bit blurry that's why I fell down again. "Where's Allison?" I asked them.

 "She's okay .. she just hit her head on the fall but she's okay" he then said and smiled at me. "Are you sure?" I asked.

 "Yes Ben" Anne then said as soon as she entered my view.

 "I'm very proud of you" Dad then told me.

 "We all are" Hal added. "I need to get up and talk to her" I said but I'm still a bit dizzy and they won't even let me sit up.

 "You need to rest" Anne said and then added "Concussions are very tricky, they might still linger for a few more hours .. headaches .. nausea .. stuffs like that so it's better if you get some rest".

 I just sighed and thought of Allison ... I'm glad she's safe.


Allison's P.O.V

 What the hell is he thinking? He saved me from absolute death. I got a few bruises on my head and body but other than that , I'm fine. I waited out the night on the bus to see if Ben's gonna be conscious but he didn't so Lourdes just said that I should take some rest and check back in the morning.

 This is all my fault , if only I was more careful in choosing my cover , this wouldn't have happened. After I ate breakfast , I decided to go back to the bus to check on him. My heart is beating fast as soon as I reached the door and when I got up , I saw him surrounded by his father, Dr. Glass and his brothers.

 "Hey" I said and they all looked at me.


 "Hey". I looked to the door and saw Allison. "Dad, can she and I have a minute?" I asked him and then they all got up and left the two of us.

 "How are you feeling?" she asked.

 "Dizzy .. How are you?" I asked her and she then sat at the chair beside the bed. "I'm good" she said and then smiled at me.

 "That's great".

 "Ummm Ben ... I'm very sorry for last night , you shouldn't have shielded me from the wall , I deserve it" she said and then sighed.

 "No you don't .. and it's okay , you're my partner. Partners look out for each other and as long as you're my partner, I'll always look after you" I told her.

 "But Ben , I saw how you fight with Jimmy , you two are the perfect team" she then said , I looked to her eyes and saw that it's filled with regret and worry.

 "Allison .. it's okay. Jimmy and I have been a great team , but if it's for the sake of all of us, I'm choosing you over him. Jimmy is already a good fighter , I have no doubt that he'll be better with each fight and I'll still always be there for him but I have you now and I'll look after you" I said to her and smiled.

 "But I don't want you getting hurt because you still have to protect me during fights" she then said and held my right hand.

 "That's how the missions work, Allison. And besides , the fact that you're okay is worth every damn pain I felt last night" I said and a tear fell out of her eyes.

 "Why are you crying?" I asked.

 "I'm just happy that you're okay" she said through the tears.

 "I'm gonna be fine. And we're gonna get your brother , as soon as we go to the next destination , we'll go back for him. I promise" I said and then she smiled.

 "You know Ben , I can't explain it very well. But I'm actually quite relieved that Cody is still young and he's just harnessed ... at least he's not dead" she then said and then looked at me.

 "We're gonna get him Allison , I promise" I said to her since I can feel the pain cracking in her voice. "All right then , you better get some rest soldier" she said and then kissed me on the forehead.

 "As you wish Princess" I said and she laughed a bit.

 "Enough with the teasing" she then said and left the bus.


Allison's P.O.V

 Despite his comforting words , I know I have to do something to prevent him from going through the same thing with me. So I decided to go to Capt. Weaver.

 "Captain?" I asked as soon as I entered the tent.

 "Allison" he acknowledged and then asked "What do you want?".

 "I just have to ask you something" I said.

 "Okay. But did you pack your things? We're leaving in an hour" he then said.

 "Yeah. I only have like 5 pairs of blouses and pants and 4 pairs of inner wear .. it's not that much. Umm, Captain .. I want to be reassigned to a different team" I said and then he looked at me.

 "Why?" he asked

 "Because of what happened last night. Ben will be able to function better if he's with Jimmy" I said and then he replied "I know what I'm doing Allison when I assigned you with him , the things is , we noticed he's becoming darker and darker .. his hatred is consuming his soul. I assigned you with him because I know he'll be able to stop thinking about killing aliens all the time. He'll have to think of you too".

 "So I'm a distraction?" I asked.

 "No you're not. You're his lifeguard .. you're saving him" he said. Then suddenly I heard someone say "Please don't do it".

 I turned around and saw Ben standing outside the tent , he can barely keep his balance as he's holding on to the pole, I rushed to him and helped him stand. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

 "I was going to ask the same situation , what part of 'Partners look out for each other' don't you understand?" he then asked , looking straight into my eyes.

 I just sighed and Captain Weaver then helped us go back to the bus. "We'll continue the discussion later" Captain Weaver then said and left.

 "Please don't do it" Ben pleaded.

 I said "Okay" even though I'm sure I'm gonna regret it later. "But promise em you'll get better" I told him and then he nodded.

 I was about to left when he said "You're such a pain in the butt". I turned around and he smiled , something that he seldom does.

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