Chapter Seventeen : " Way out of line .."

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 A few hours later , I went to Jimmy's tent to ask him if he's ready. The Night will crawl in any minute now that's why we need to go or someone will notice us.

 "Are you ready?" I asked him.

 "Yeah" he said and then we both went out. Pretending that we're just walking around. I saw Allison standing in front of the bus looking at us , I can't bring her with me, I need to kill these skitters , I need to protect her and my family.

 "You and Allison are quite a surprise" Jimmy said while we're walking on the jungle. Then suddenly we heard movements. "Stop" I whispered to him and we hid behind a tree. I looked on and saw a skitter roaming by , all alone by itself.

 "Try the firebreath" I said to Jimmy and then he pointed to the gun.

 "I can't get a good shot" he replied and then looked at me. "Wait a sec." I said and then cleared my throat , the skitter looked our way and started to approach us.

 "3..2..1" I whispered and the he shot it. The skitter wa son fire.

 "Nice shot Jim" I said and he's smiling at me. "Beautiful view right there" he said. After a few moments , it died and we decided to head further away from the permiter line.


Allison's P.O.V

 I hope they're gonna be okay. After they're gone , I went back to the bus and helped Lourdes hydrating the lips of the wounded civilians while Dr. Glass is inside the hanger helping to prepare the temporary clinic inside.

 Cody and Matt hopped on to the bus and walked past me , I saw something different about Cody's spikes. "Cody Wait!" I called out to him.

 "What?" he asked and then walked to me.

 "Turn around" I said and then looked at the skin around the spikes , it looks exactly the same as Ben's. I looked at Lourdes and she came in to see it too.

 "You should have a check up with Dr. Glass" she said to him.

 "She's right Cody" I said and then he just looked at me. "Okay now,. you can play" I said and then he ran off to Matt.

 "Do you think he's gonna be okay?" I asked Lourdes.

 "I hope so" she whispered.


 A few more hours have passed and we started our way back. Suddenly, Jimmy told me to stop moving as he said he heard a weird sound.

 "What is it?" I asked.

 "Here" he said and we tiptoed our way and hid in the bushes. I looked on and saw Pope and his gang making a circle.

 "Just walk away, that's all you have to do" Pope said and when I had a chance to take a clear look on who is he talking to , I found out that it's Dad.

 "Dad?" I whispered.

 "What do we do?" Jimmy asked. We have to make a plan , a real effective and quick one. "Okay Jim , walk silently to that side. I'm gonna grab Pope from behind and you're gonna fire at the ground , we'll make them surrender" I said and then he nodded and went to the other way , I slowly walked towards Pope.

 I was only about 3 feet away from him and no one still notices me , I brought out my knife and grabbed him from behind .. pinning the knife on his neck. "Woah" Lyle said in shock. Everyone is pointing their guns at us.

 "Ben?" Dad said.

 "Hi Dad" I told him and then he got up.

 Then Jimmy fired on the ground , "Back off or I'll kill him" I said and then looked at them "You won't do that kid" Pope said and tried to break free from my grip , but he was unable to.

 "I never realized you're that weak" I said and tightened my grip on his neck. "Give all your guns to Dad or I'll swear , the shooter will bring all of you down" I said and then Jimmy fired another shot. They looked at each other and then Jimmy fired another one.

 "He won't miss next time" I said and then they handed their guns to Dad. He then pointed a gun back at them . "Now walk" he said.

 I let Pope go , but he knows if he attacks any of us , that will be the last thing he'll do. "Thanks Ben" Dad said and also acknowledged Jimmy as soon as he got down from the tree.


 Allison's P.O.V

 I heard a commotion from outside , and when I checked it , I saw Ben and Professor Mason pointing guns at Pope and his gang. They must have done something very wrong.

 I ran out and saw Maggie so I asked her what's happening. "Pope tried to get rid of Mason" she said and then we walked towards the tent , where afterwards Pope and his gang are locked up on a school bus. I tried to talk to Ben but he's busy talking to Capt. Weaver so I just walked out and Grabbed Cody and headed for Dr. Glass.


 Jimmy and I decided to return to the forest after we busted Pope and his gang. "That was awesome" he said while we're walking back.

 "What you did is awesome" I told him and he just smiled.

 We we're at the same position where we found Pope and Dad. We looked at the ground and saw they dropped their ammunition. "More Firebreaths" Jimmy said in excitement while holding several pieces of them.

 "Then we can use them right now" I said to him and pointed at the group of skitters several feet away from us. We hid behind a massive log of wood and looked at them , it seems like they're communicating with each other, I saw Jimmy started to load his again.

 I made a noise and they all looked at our way , "ready?" I whispered to him and then he nodded. The skitters rushed towards us so he got up and fired at them , 2 died while the other one dodged the bullets.

 "I got this" I said and run towards it , carrying my knife. Only to be suspended in mid air , I looked to it's eyes and it's communicating with me. He's telling me something that I can't fully understand. My spikes are glowing , I can't move. The skitter then threw me to the side.

 I looked behind and saw Jimmy running towards it , only to be thrown to the side also. I got up and the skitter made a quick jab to my chest and then escaped. I felt such an excruciating pain. I looked on and saw Jimmy hanging on the tree , he's impaled on a branch. "Jimmy!" I shouted as I ran towards his rescue.

 When we got back to the camp  , Dr. Glass and Lourdes immediately made an operation at him. They said it's good that the branch is still inside him or else he would have lost a lot more blood. Dad then grabbed me outside to talk.

 "What the hell are you doing?" Hal asked.

 "Ben , tell us" Dad said.

 "We're skitter hunting"

 "Is that also the reason why you're way out of the perimeter lines?" Dad then asked me.

 "Do you really have to do this? Is everyday fight not enough to satisfy your need to kill?" Captain Weaver asked me.

 "Until every single one of those thing is dead , then yes" I said to him.

 "Give me a valid reason Ben" Dad commanded.

 "I need a reason Dad? They put spikes on my back , they hurt Mom , they killed everyone else and I need a reason?" I asked him.

 "I can't have this conversation right now. Hal, help your brother change clothes"

 "I need to go back to Jimmy" I said.

 "NO. You can't walk around camp looking like that" he said and then I just sighed and went straight to my tent to change clothes. I hope Jimmy's gonna be fine.

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