Chapter Fifty : "Darkness"

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Note : The song that inspired this chapter is "Safe & Sound" by Taylor Swift. An emotional song for an emotional chapter. Listen to the song or else more than half of the chapter will have lesser impact :| I don't know how to explain it but yeah, the song kinda tells what's gonna happen.


 All in all we took more than a month on our mission and thankfully, we're finally coming back to our families. I think it's for the best especially because of Allison's pregnancy, I don't want her to spend that much time on the road. I am looking at her face while she's driving, I can feel her excitement ... she misses Cody so much and it would mean the world to her if the two of them are together , and safe.

 "Are you ready?" I asked her right as we're driving through the city proper of Charleston. "Of course" she replied and then smiled at me. After driving for about 10 minutes or so, we reached the bridge where Red Eye agreed to meet.

 "Deni!!" Allison called out in delight as she got out of the car and ran to them. The rebel skitters made a camp right under the bridge. And it's really nice to see Allison's close to the deharnessed kids.

 "Allison! How are you?" Deni asked.

 "I'm good" she said.

 "Ben" I turned around and saw Cody. "What are you doing here bud?" I asked him. "I've been living here for two weeks now. Red Eye called me. Where's my sister?" he asked and then I pointed at Allison.

 "Alli!" I called and she turned around and saw Cody.

 "Big guy!" she screamed and then ran to give him a hug. "You've grown" she said very happily. "I know. You've been gone for more than a month , what do you expect?" he asked and she just laughed.

 "What are you doing here?" Allison then asked.

 "I live here. Red Eye called me out. Ben, you should know that the people in Charleston are not the friendliest. I escaped" Cody uttered while looking at me. What does he exactly mean?.

 "At least we're together" Allison and he smiled.

 "Ben! Alli!" We both looked behind and saw Deni walking towards us , with Red Eye. "Ben and Allison, I'm proud you made it" he said through Deni.

 "We're happy to be here" Alli replied.

 "We have much work to do. Do you still remember about the cannon they're building?" Red Eye asked me.

 "Yeah. Is it finished?"


 "Then we must destroy it"

 "We'll do that. You're just in time, we need to pay visit to the human soldiers .. to your family"

 "Okay" I said and then they walked away for a bit. "Do you wanna come with us or you're staying here?" I asked Allison.

 "I'm coming with you ... Cody is coming with us too" she replied and then after a few minutes, Allison, Cody and I left the skitter camp along with all of the rebel skitters.


Allison's P.O.V

 "Holy Crap" I thought to myself as we got inside the building. There's no one around but the place is quite massive. "It's supposed to be an underground mall" Cody uttered as soon as we got inside.

 "So where are they?" I asked him and then he went to the staircase. As soon as I saw the massive room where all the survivors, I'm in awe .. it's amazing to see that these many people have survived tha attack. But then everything just went mayhen when their siren went off and all the people scattered.

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