Chapter Fourty Three : "Cabin in the Woods"

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 Allison was able to sleep right after midnight , while Krista , Aldrin and I are all up just talking about what's gonna happen once all the kids like us are gathered.

 We spent hours talking about where the three of us came from. Aldrin was from Oregon , while Krista is from Texas. "So you're from Boston .. that's in California, right?" Krista asked. "It's Chicago .. not California" I said and then we laughed.

 The harnesses should have enhanced our intelligence but in Krista's case, I think it did the opposite. I looked to the clock and it's already past 7:00 am, then I looked outside and saw the cloudy weather and all the rain.

 "Would you like a cup of hot chocolate?" Aldrin asked.

 "Sure" I said and he went to the kitchen , meanwhile Krista also got up and went outside to check around.

 "Hey" Allison said as soon as she got out from the bedroom , she's has the blanket covering her .. shielding her from the cold weather. "Allison .. do you want hot choco?" Aldrin asked. "Yes please" she said and then sat beside me. I pulled her closer and she kissed me.

 "What was that for?" I asked her.

 "Nothing .. it's just a kiss. Get over yourself" she said and so I just smiled.

 "Ben ...?"


 "There's something sticking in me" she said, and so I realized I have my "Morning Bulge". I quickly pulled away from her , and things became extremely and unbelievably uncomfortable.

 "Sorry" I said.

 "It's okay .. are you blushing?" she asked and then pinched my cheeks.

 "No .. I just have rosy cheeks" I said and then she laughed. Aldrin then came back and gave us our hot chocos and then returned to the kitchen. I looked out and didn't see Krista . Maybe she's at the very back.

 "When will this rain go away?" Allison uttered.

 "Not any time soon" I said as I looked on the huge dark gray clouds that invaded the whole skies. I wonder how Dad and the others are doing right now , are they fine?. 

 "Allison" I whispered to her.

 "What?" she asked.

 "What made you changed your mind? Why did you forgave me?"

 "I don't know .." she said , completely brushing the conversation away. I just sighed and then got up only to see the windows on the back of the cabin broke.

 "What the hell is that?" Allison asked as I ran to see what caused it. "Did you see Adrian and Krista?" I asked Allison.

 "No" she said,

 When I opened the back door I saw Adrian and Krista lying on the ground , they're not dead .. just unconscious. "What the hell?" I uttered and then they both woke up. "What happened?" I asked Aldrin.

 "Ben .. skitters are here" he uttered. My heart sunk, I turned around and looked at Allison. I ran as fast as I could towards her and out in the front of the cabin only to see at least a dozen of skitters surrounding us.

 "What shall we do?" Allison asked as we got inside and locked the doors. Aldrin and Krista were back on their feet and they handed us our guns. Just in time when the skitters started attacking us , the front windows broke open and 2 skitters got inside.

 Due to Allison's quick reflexes , she was able to kill two of them while Krista got the other one. "Run to the back!" I screamed and so we all did. I turned around one last time and saw at least another dozen coming for us.


Allison's P.O.V

 "Why didn't you sensed them?" I asked Ben while we're running further into the woods , leaving the cabin behind. "I don't know .. maybe they can hide it" he uttered.

 Aldrin and Krista then started firing at the skitters who are chasing us , the tall trees and the rain itself are making it hard to shoot them down. "Look to your sides!" Ben shouted and so I did only to see skitters trying to catch up to us.

 "Krista! Aldrin! heads up!" I said and then threw the grenade I managed to grabbed while we're on our way out.

 An explosion happened and it almost reached us , we also fell to the ground due to the impact. "Allison! that's awesome" Krista uttered. "You did good babe , now let's go" Ben whispered and we continued to run.

 The rain is making it extremely hard, especially on my part because I'm pregnant. Before we knew it , another group of skitters showed up. "You guys go! We'll contain them here!" Aldrin shouted and then they stopped running and started shooting at the incoming skitters.

 "Allison .. you have to keep on running. I'll stay behind too"

 "But Ben .."

 "Go! I'll come after you" he said and so I did , I ran as fast as I could away from them. They'll survive .. I know they will.

 I looked behind and saw a pair of skitters coming after me. "You've gotta be kidding me" I thought to myself and then stopped running and started firing at them. But as much as I try , they still kept on coming. They're only a few feet away  and one of them already jumped towards me, I just decided to close my eyes and prepared for what's gonna happen.

 When I opened it after a few seconds , I saw both of the skitters suspended in mid air. "Oh my God" I uttered as I watched them get torn into pieces by an invisible force. "Did you do it?" I whispered and then touched my stomach.

 "Allison!" Ben called out as the three of then ran towards me. "They're all dead??!!" I asked them. "Rebels came .. they're fighting them right now" Ben said as they got to the torn mutilated bodies of the skitters.

 "What happened here?" Krista asked.

 "I think it's our baby" I said and looked at a very petrified Ben.


 That's it guys :) ^.^ What do you think about the new chapter ? :) Please tell me what you think :). The answers that Allison and Ben are looking for will be given to them on the next one so make sure ya read it ^.^ Thanks for the votes on the last one :)

 4 votes = Next update okay :) ? thanks again and again and again....

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