Chapter Fourty Two : "Answers"

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Allison's P.O.V

 "Are you sure they're here?" I asked Ben after we spent at least half an hour looking around this cabin in the middle of the woods. "Yeah. Red Eye said there'll be 2 kids in here and a group of survivors .. just like the 2nd Mass is located at least 5 miles deeper" he replied.

 "Then why don't we just go to the survivors then? Maybe the 2 kids left" I said but he's not listening. I just sighed , he's acting so weird. First, I'm sure that guy he shot was dead now .. Kurt might have died due to the explosion and Ryan is injured. Ben killed people , that is far from the boy I grew to love.

 "It's gonna be dark soon , it'll be best if we stay here for the night" he said and then went inside the cabin , leaving me outside.

 I followed in and saw that the inside was pretty clean. "They haven't left yet" I said after I noticed the 2 bags on the side of the door.

 "Yes they haven't " Ben replied.

 I followed him to the kitchen and saw an impressive array of guns on the table. "Ben .. is this the right cabin?" I asked him.

 "Yes I'm sure" he said. I went back out and looked around once more , they've should be here somewhere.

 But another hour have passed and it's finally dark , Ben came out of the cabin and sat beside me on the car. I don't even know if I can talk or even just stare at him. That family tried to kill us but I think Ben went a little too far. I agreed on the plan knowing that he won't detonate the bombs , but he did.

 I regret agreeing with him on the plan. It would have been better if we just kept on walking, "Damn it" I thought to myself.

 "Are you alright?" Ben asked.

 "Yeah" I said , still not looking at him.

 "No you're not. What's wrong?"

 "What's wrong?. You killed people , Ben. Sure they may have not been the best people .. but they're still family. Because of what we did , that family is broken .. forever"

 "They tried to kill us Allison"

 "They didn't okay?. They stole our car and supplies but they didn't killed us" I said and then got out of the car.

 "Allison please" he said and then went out too. "Who's there?" we turned around and saw two teens pointing their guns at us. They're the one's we're looking for.


 "It's okay. Red Eye sent us" Ben said and so they put down their guns. The teens then approached us , "My name is Adrian .. this is Krista" he said and then held out his hands .... I shook it and so is Krista's.

 Then they turned to Allison and suddenly the mood of the conversation changed. "It's okay .. she's with me" I said as I looked on their confused faces.

 "I'm Ben and this is Allison" I said and then we smiled at them.

 "Ben .. can't you feel it?" Adrian asked.

 "Feel what?"

 "Let's talk about this later .. we should come inside" Krista uttered and then we went inside. I tried to hold Allison's hand but she pulled away. She gave me the "I'm - still - mad - at - you" look as she went into the cabin.

 "Nice place you have here" Allison said and Krista smiled at her. "Do you want something to eat?" she asked her.

 "It's okay. Not hungry yet" Allison answered and then Krista grabbed her hand and then they went to the back of the cabin.

 "Girl talk" Aldrin said as we sat at the couch on the living room.

 "So Red Eye sent you?"

 "Yeah. He said you already talked to him"

 "We did , but I'm quite doubtful about our chances"

 "We have a chance. There's tons of kids like us out there willing to fight back"

 "I know ... but do we REALLY have what it takes to bring them down"

 "We'll never know if we don't try"


Allison's P.O.V

 Krista and I went to the very back of the cabin. "Are you spiked?" she asked as soon as she closed the door behind her.


 "But I felt something from you"

 "I'm pregnant"

 "Oh. Who's the father?"

 "Ben" I said and then she nodded.

 "Do you know everything about the baby?" she then asked.

 "To be honest. No. Been in tons of weird events lately." I said and then sat on the chair beside us. "Events like what?" she then asked.

 "Something happened just last night .. we we're attacked by the enemy. I went head to head with a beamer right on the top of our base .. it'll blast me but then suddenly , the stones and metals around me floated on the air and smashed against it. The beamer crashed down"

 "Beamer? "

 " We call the airships "Beamer" " I replied.

 " Is that all? "

 " Actually No. One of the harnessed kids , a blonde girl named Karen. She said the baby is not human .. that it's one of 'them' "

 "She's actually quite right"

 "What?" I asked her.

 "It makes perfect sense. The baby is not just a baby. That's the reason the weird events happened. It's either you can channel some of it powers , or your genes mutated .. or it's protecting you" Krista said while looking at me.

 "But in those three , which one do you think is happening?"

 "Honestly .. I think the baby is protecting you" she said. I just looked at her and then touched my stomach and smiled. That moment established a connection between me and the baby. I felt this strange sensation flowing through my body. I think it's listening to us.


 Aldrin and I just finished talking as Krista and Allison went back inside. She sat beside me and then gave me a hug , "What's going on Alli?" I asked her and she just laid her head on my shoulder.

 I removed the hair from her face and then kissed her forehead. "Just get a room" Aldrin said and we just laughed. "They already did it. She's preggers" Krista said.

 "Ohh" Aldrin reacted. After a few minutes , he and Krista got up and then went to the kitchen , leaving Allison and I on the living room.

 "Ben.. " Allison the whispered.

 "What?" I asked.

 "Nothing" she said and then smiled while holding her stomach. She has forgiven me , I know she did. I'm not proud about what I did with that family back there but they did us wrong, Allison and the baby are my family now ... and I'm willing to do anything to make sure they're safe.


 That's it :) I know it's a bit shorter and boring but the next ones should be more exciting. Please tell me what you think :) Comment and Vote :)

" 4 votes = Next update " that's my new policy now ^.^ thanks xx

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